16. fanwarriors

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signs as fanwarriors

Aries Heavily biased and ready to fight

Taurus Makes jokes about others

Gemini Acts like they are neutral but really aren't

Cancer Writes emotional passage about why you shouldn't attack their biased group/bias in a kinda pathetic way

Leo Tries to play like they are above the arguing fans but actually is one of the main people involved

Virgo Actually on both sides

Libra Tries to make peace but is ignored

Scorpio Doxxing people and throwing shade left and right

Sagittarius Attemps to be comedic relief or straight up calls everyone annoying and leaves

Capricorn Doesn't care at all

Aquarius Literally has no idea what is going on but fakes it

Pisces Types sarcastic shit to opposing party and adds that snarky blushing emoji ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

side notes :
found this pretty hilarious
and suits the season - MAMA 2015 !
who are y'all voting for?

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