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Hello, sorry it's been SOOO long since I've updated. I had to see what they were doing with Nimue. Lol. But for now we just gonna act like she isn't the dark one. :P And I'm sorry to say. But this is probs going to be the last chapter. I'm just having a block with this one chapter as it is and think I could do better writing one shots. So here it is. The last chapter of I Promise.

Regina didn't know what possessed her to speak in such low levels of life. She knew Robin would have her tounge locked with hers before she could've finished the sentence. Her heart aches for the man that is always ripped from her grasp. She still sat in the small chair warmed from the fires last few glowing embers. She watched as the woman who had dared to call taking ones soul mate from him a game. Her eyes rolled and she sunk back in the chair, the smell of his shirt wrapping around her sending her into a peaceful sleep. One she sure didn't think would come so easy.

By the time she woke she easy getting hungry and Nimue had yet to return from her 'stroll' through town. Though Regina knew she was probably terrorizing the town that she wasn't able to protect at the moment. It was kinda ironic. The only woman who knew how to control her powers is the so called, 'Evil Queen.' But she is the only one who could save the lives of the residents in that town. Most if them wanted her dead, yes. But she has learned what parts of town to stay away from, and what parts to go to for comfort. Which was most of the time Robin, or any of the merry men who respected her just as much and Robin did.


The first thing Robin did was make his way back to Emma. He barged into the office, slamming the doors behind him and slamming his fists on the desks in frustration.

"Whoa. Robin, what's up?" Emma asked walking into the main room from her office, followed by Charming. Emma's arm grabbed Robins shoulder and pulled him up to look at her.

"Nimue. That's the woman that took Regina. That's the witch that thinks she won't pay for stealing my Regina, and getting away with it without a scratch." He said fists clenching as his mind pondered what the woman said. I will allow you to talk to her. Through me of course. He clenched his jaw tighter.

"Hey, that's good. We can get some information on her now." Charming clapped Robins back and left the office, heading to Belle to start research no doubt.

"I'm going to granny's to sit down. That witch will be there." Robin muttered before slipping past Emma and storming out the door.

He sat in the booth that they always sat in. He sat in his spot and imagined she was in hers. Next to him. Close to him. Cuddled to him. As Roland sat across from them so he could peer at the little Neal, and plays with Snow.

Just as he said within minutes of sitting down the witch was seated across from him. She smiled at him. Smiled at him. She didn't have the right to smile at him. She had his Regina locked in a box somewhere.

"Robin. It's nice to see you again." She said folding her hands across the table. "Regina gave me a message."

His ears perk at that. He lifted his gaze to meet here. "What?" He asked sternly. He just wanted his Regina back.

"Someone's feisty." She smirked and then pulled her arms a bit closer to herself. "She said to tell you she'll see you when you find her. If she's still alive."

"If you lay a finger on her, so god help me I will rip you to shreads." Robin pointed a finger at her while his other slammed on the table in a fist. Eyes peered at them and he relaxed.

"Please, I would never." She snorted and then lifted away in the cloud of thick red smoke. Her laugh could be heard as she faded and the particles died down.


Her stomach was growling now. Nimue had left over three hours ago. That only added to her hunger. The sound echoed through the room and she grabbed her stomach in pain. Just as she bit back tears Nimue appeared in the room again. She held a bag of food from Grannys.

"It's about time you brought food." She sneered standing and taking the bag when offered. Inside was a burger and fries. Not her usual, but it'll do.

"Whatever. Enjoy. I'm going back to Camelot now. Enjoy the rest of your life here." She grinned and the thick red smoke carried her out of the room, leaving a door in the corner of the room.

"Bye...bitch." Regina muttered and made a run for the door. On the other side was nothing but an empty room filled with windows and mirrors.

She looked around for something, anything to throw at one of them. She was getting out, and then eating with Robin. With someone who actually cared and loved her. It had been to long. Two days was to long.


He stood up from his seat at the booth. The doors shut behind him gently as he made his way back to her vault. The last place he saw her. The only place that remotely smelled like her.

Upon reaching the vault he shuffled through the many potions. Looking. Locating. Finding. He picked up the small bottle and admired it. It was a goldish liquid that shimmered. Next he grabbed her scarf from around his neck and poured the liquid onto it. If Emma won't find her, he will.

The scarf which was a deep purple turned to a maroon with golden edges. It hovered for a reconditioned before it began floating away from him. He followed it for miles, he wasn't sure if this thing was even leading him to her. That is until he saw the building with a stirring figure, banging his or her fists against the window.


She banged her fists against the window repeatedly until her hands began bruising and splitting. She screamed out, the sounds seeming to stop before they could pass through the walls.

She gave up. There was no getting out until someone came to her. The someone who she was startled to see when he came running up to the window and placing his hands where hers were. He muttered something but she couldn't quite make it out. He turned his back and picked up a large boulder. Damn...She thought as he hurled the rock at a neighboring window and she ran to climb through it. He pulled her out with his strong arms and wrapped her up in them. She hugged him with excitement and he never left her feet touch the ground.

"Regina. I've got you." He said into her ear and she laughed slightly. "I know. I know you do." She replied putting her hand on his cheek and kissing him softly. "Your never leaving my sight again." He replied after pulling from the kiss. "Let's go for something to eat. I'm starving and I missed breakfast, and lunch, and almost dinner." She wiggled her feet and he put her down only to pick her up again bridal style. "I said you were never leaving my sight. Might as well make it arms to." He told her matter of factly and she chuckled hugging him tighter. "Is that a promise? If so say so." She told him and he thought for a moment before replying, "I promise."

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