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I am so sorry this took so long to get out. I've been piled high with school work and that's no fun. Good thing I'm on vacation this week. :D I'll be able to get a few more chapters written, hopefully.

There she stood with the decision to open the door and find which one was on the other side of the door.

"Regina, It's Robin. Robins the one on the other side of that door." Snow yelled running towards her and Emma. Charming and Daniel followed.

Regina didn't even have to think. She ran for the door. Her feet couldn't get her there fast enough. Then she realized she wasn't moving. She looked to her feet and saw they were kicking. She wasn't even on the ground.

"Didn't think it would be that easy. Did you dearie?" She heard from behind her. She strained to turn her head around and saw Rumple standing with the rest pinned against the wall.

"Let me go." She said clenching her jaw and gasping for air. He set her down and blocked the door with a bookshelf.

"Listen dearie. I want to make a deal." He leaned against the wall and put her in a stable spell.

"What do you want?" She said trying to move but failing due to the spell.

"I want your sweet little Daniel." He says prancing around mocking her.

"No, he is just starting to live a normal life. Then you had to kidnap him." She screamed still struggling under the spell.

"He was never alive dearie. Dr. Frankenstein placed a stolen heart into him. What's dead should stay dead. You of all people should know that." He walked closer to her. His face was inches from hers.

"No. No, that's not true. He is alive. He is alive." She said relaxing into the spell, not wanting to believe what she had heard.

"I'm afraid it is." He was taunting her now.

"Stop it. Just, stop it." She said screaming to him. She had begun to cry now.

"Dearie, I wish I could. But you don't know what your getting yet." He walked circles around her.

"Then what am I getting." She spat with disgust.

"You are getting your precious little Robin." He put an emphasis on his name making her want to kill him more.

"No, she is getting both of them." A small voice said. Regina looked to the entrance with the bookshelves and saw Belle standing there.

"Belle, thank you for getting here so fast." Regina said finally able to breath now that Belle was there.

"Belle. What are you doing here?" Rumble asks confused that she was there.

"I'm helping Regina find her happy ending." She said walking closer to him but not enough for him to reach out and touch her.

"I'm just helping us. I promise." He pleaded to her.

"No, your not. Your just trying to help yourself." She punched his chest knocking him back. He was now struggling just like the night Belle sent him over the town line.

"Belle, please." He said trying to stand again. Belle pushed him back into a chair.

"I'm tired of you always doing this. Now let them go. She deserves a happy ending your not going to get. Because you are selfish and power driven." She screams to him pushing him into the chair everytime he tried to get up. "Let them go."

"Belle. Please. Where are you?" He asks finally sitting in the seat, still.

"I'm here. Where is Robin? And hook? Huh?" She says catching Regina off guards. She didn't mention anything about hook being missing.

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