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Regina was still laying in the hospital bed when she woke up. She rolled over to see Robin but discovered he was gone. 'He probably is doing his job.' She thought and sat up. She saw her legs weren't as swollen and she couldn't feel any pain. She climbed out of the bed and meet Emma in the lobby.

"Hey. Legs ok?" Emma asked when they go into the car.

"Yeah. Their fine. I have some sutures so Ican't really do much until they get removed." Regina replied as she pulled out her phone.

"Hey Snow, I'm going back to the vault. Can't do much. Needed sutures. Can you keep Mayors position until I can get back to work?" She text to snow and then layed her head back and closed her eyes. She looked back down when her phone dinged.

"Sure. It's no problem. Do you know if Robin got the job?" Snow replied.

"Yes. He did." Regina quickly responded and had elEmma assist her out of the car and down the steps of her Vault.

"Thank you Emma. I'll call if I need something from Grannys. Like coffee." She said scooting around in the bed and leaning against a mountain of pillows she had.

"No problem. I'm sure Henry will swing by tonight before he comes to my house for supper and bedtime. Ok?" She replied with and started up the stairs.

"Alright." Regina sighed and turned on her TV. She flipped through the channels until she found NCIS. She sat quietly and watched that until she heard a knock at the top of the stairs.

"Hello?" A voice called. They walked down the stairs and into Regina's room. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. Come here. Are you off work?" She asked Robin. She gave a grin and pulled the covers back that were on the other side of the bed.

"Yes, I'm off work." He mumbled and made his way to the bed. He pulled off his jeans and crawled into the bed with boxers and a t-shirt on.

"Great. Watch this with me. Then you can go and get us supper. Since I can't walk." She said scooting closer to him. She layed her head into the cress of his shoulder and wrapped one arm behind him while the other hand layed on his chest.

"Sounds good to me. What are we warching?" He asked pulling her closer to him and kissing the crown of her head.

"NCIS" She replied and unmute it.
"Go. It's almost time for Henry to get here and I'm getting a little hungry. I need and burger from grannys." Regina replied after finishing 3 hour long episodes of NCIS.

"Fine. I'll be back soon." He said getting up and pulling his pants back on.

"Wait come around here." Regina said before he left the room.

"Yes?" He asked once he did as he was told.

"You almost forgot my kiss." She grinned and pulled his collar towards her. She gave him a quick peck and let him go.

"I'll be back." He said leaving and starting to Grannys.
"Henry. It's getting late. You need to get to Emmas." Regina said to her son who was sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow." He said back and stood up. He walked to his mom and hugged her neck. He put an intentally sloppy kiss on her cheek.

"Alright get going." She laughed and wiped her face off.

"Fine, of you want to get rid of me." He said back and laughed as he exited the vault.
"I'm back." Robin said as he entered the Vault.

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