*cough cough*

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Maka was always suspicious when Soul claimed he was sick, she always assumed he was faking it for the attention and soup, but this time the thermometer proved otherwise.


"God Soul, you're burning up.."

"Well I feel like I'm freezing." He mumbled into his pillow.

She pulled up his blanket to cover him better before she left the room, coming back a second later with NyQuil and her blanket.

"Drink this Soul, it'll make you sleep better," She handed him a small plastic cup filled with something green.

"That stuffs gross Maka, I don't wanna." Soul shook his head, turning to pout at her.

Maka held it out towards him, "Drink."

Soul groaned but took the cup from her, grimacing as the liquid went down his throat. "There, happy?"

Maka smiled as she threw her blanket on top of him, "Yup." She turned on her heals, planning on heading to the kitchen to make Soul some soup, but something grabbing at her hand stopped her.

"Stay," Soul pathetically groped the air for her hand, attempting to pull her into the bed with him.

Maka let out an annoyed huff but smiled, Soul was so cute when was sick. She crawled under the covers with him, wiggling around to get comfy, "Happy?"

Soul nodded, eyes closed with a faint smile on his face as he cuddled up with her. It didn't take long before they both fell asleep, Souls arms around Maka with his face buried in her neck.

*cough cough*

"God Maka, you're burning up.."

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