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|Play song at the start of the flash back|

(Y/N) turned to face none other than Ciel Earl Phantomhive. Ciel was her cousin, they used to play together quite often when they were little until the fire that killed his parents occurred.

    "Oh hello Ciel! It's been a while.." she said with a smile. 

     "Indeed it has lady (Y/N), you've grown to be quite the proper young lady hmm?" he said with a small smile. 

     "Mother would disagree with that. I see you've also grown to be a very responsible and talented Earl." she says. Ciel gives a nod 

      "Yes, I have. Thank you for noticing." he replies. (Y/N) then noticed a tall figure approaching behind Ciel. He had raven black hair, ruby red eyes, pale skin and wore a tailcoat and gloves.

|No clue why I started typing the rest in Your POV but I'm just gonna roll with it|

  "Young master, I have prepared your tea and it is waiting for you at the table." the man said. When he looked up at me he seemed dazed for a moment but quickly snapped out of it. 

   "Ah yes, Sebastian, this is my cousin Lady (Y/N) (L/N). Lady (Y/N), this is my butler." Ciel explained. The butler smiled and stepped forward, holding out his hand. I put my hand in his and he kissed it gently.

    "A pleasure to meet you Lady (Y/N), if I may be so look beautiful, much like a rose that is forever in bloom." Sebastian said as he stepped back and did a half bow. I couldn't help but blush at his compliment. 

      "Why thank you Sebastian." I replied with a smile.

    "Here you are (Y/N)! I've been looking for you almost everywhere!" my mother said as she approached me. 

     "Sorry mother." I sighed. 

    "Now then, come along my dear. You'll be late for your own ceremony!" she said dragging me off by my arm. I gazed up at her in shock. 

   "Ceremony? What?" I said. Mother rolled her eyes. 

    "No silly you aren't betrothed...not yet that is.". I feel like she's about to do something I'll hate. She pulled me inside the manor and started trying to fix my hair which she did not need to be doing. I waved her off .

     "Mother stop this, what are you not telling me?" I soon heard voices coming from the dining hall. I have a bad feeling about this. Mother took my hand and pulled me to the doors and paused only for a second to fix my posture before opening the doors and pushing me in first. Everyone silenced and stared at me for a few moments before they began their conversations again. I took a seat and sat there silently staring randomly at the center of the giant dining table. As my stare intensified I began to have a small flashback.


     "(Y-Y/N) my child, please come here" my father said. He was in bed ill as he had been for the past two weeks. Nothing was getting better, if anything it was getting worse. I obeyed my father and approached. 

     "Yes father?" I ask. 

     "I have a wish for you to grant." he said looking up at me with sad eyes. 

     "What would that be?" I question. 

      "I wish to hear you play the last time." he said before having a small coughing fit. I nodded and walked over to the grand piano, taking a seat on the bench. With sorrow coursing through my body I placed my fingers on the keys and prepared to play. Before I started I looked at the rose in the small vase that sat on top of the piano, so beautiful, so graceful and everlasting. I then started to play the lullaby father sang to me and that was played by the music box he brought me.

    My gaze never left the flower as my fingers danced on the black and white keys creating a blissful, peaceful sound of music. As my father coughed more, tears began to taint my sad eyes. When the melody was complete with the very last note, he turned his head to me as I hugged him.

      "(Y/N).....r-remember, I will always love you. My dying wish to you from..the heart." As he finished his sentence, his eyes froze and his heart stopped beating. One last tear rolled down his cheek as he drew a final breath. My tears silently fell from my eyes as I slowly let go of him and said. 


|End of Flashback|

My memory was interrupted by the sound of my Uncle tapping his glass with a spoon to get everyone's attention. 

    "Simmer down everyone." he said as everyone quieted. 

     "Thank you, now I believe it is only appropriate to make a toast!" he announced as he picked up his wine glass. Uncle held up his glass as everyone grabbed theirs. 

      "A toast!....To (Y/N) coming of age, may the man that wins her heart have her for as long as they both shall live." he said taking a sip before sitting back down. 

      "To (Y/N)!" everyone said in unison as they held out their glasses as well. this is why my mother was acting so suspicious. She knew I would never have come if I knew why we were here. The one thing I'm absolutely not ready for is marriage. I want to keep my freedom, not give it up to some guy that will make me cook and clean and take care of his offspring while he goes off and does whatever.

       After the meal, I slipped out into the ballroom to go back outside. A man that was pretty attractive stepped in front of me, standing between me and the outdoors. 

     "Good evening my lady, would you care to dance?" He extended a white gloved hand. The man was tall, pale and rather stiff. He had black hair that was slicked back. His eyes were a golden color which complimented his glasses. He wore a black tailcoat and a black ribbon with a jewel in the center. 

     "Thank you for your kind offer sir but I cannot accept." I said hurrying past him and into the garden. I stopped at the rose bushes and sat down. I pulled out my music box and winded it up. I hummed along as a few tears escaped me. Ever since he passed away, everything has changed. I didn't want it to, not like this at least. As the melody stopped I re-winded it. I looked at the roses with a sigh and sat there in the dark by myself with nothing but the music box softly chiming it's notes beside me.

     "My lady, why are you all alone out here? It's cold and dark not to mention a bit unsafe." spoke a familiar voice. 

      "I don't do well with being the center of attention for large crowds." I replied.

     "I see.. I suppose that means you don't enjoy that the unmarried noblemen here have taken quite the liking to you." he said.

       "Precisely." I said. I heard the man approaching me as I turned around. Sebastian Michaelis, was standing a few feet away from me holding a beautiful black rose. 

       "For you my lady." he said with a smile as he held out the rose to me. I took it slowly and held it very gently. 

        "Thank you very much Sebastian. You are too kind." I said with a shy smile.

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