"Shut up Heechul. Lemme see 'em Jae" Taeyeon beckoned. "These are fine. What's wrong this time?" Taeyeon asked as she studied the costume intended for Yunho.

"It isn't... It just doesn't... feel right?" Jae said, saying it more like a question. What was wrong? Jae couldn't pinpoint it but he felt like he was missing something.

"I feel that it doesn't do justice to his face..." Jae said as he trailed into a whisper... Jae imagined how his design, a black and blue ensemble of a dress shirt and slax, would pale in comparison to how his face looked like, his manly yet adorable face...

As if he read Jae's mind, Heechul said with a glint of playfulness in both his eyes and voice. "It's adorable..." He said, looking at Jae, meaningfully.

"What? What are you.." Jae stuttered, stumbling through his words, feeling guilty and blushing all the same...

"I meant the costume." Heechul snorted, suppressing a laugh as he spoke.

"Yeah, the costume, of course! We were thinking about the costume" Jae said too loudly. "Do you really think so?" Jae spoke when he shook the guilt he felt , caught thinking about Yunho's face.

"Yeah" Heechul and Taeyeon agreed at the same time.

"I don't know..." Jae hesitated.

"Well, why don't you ask him yourself?" Heechul said, a bit too loud, Jae noticed.

"You're kidding, right? Me? Tell Yunho?" Jae said, feeling a little bit annoyed. "Why would I ask Yunho?" He flared, grunting.

"Ask Yunho what exactly?"

Jae was startled, expectantly looking at Heechul if it were him who just spoke. That deep voice didn't belong to the ever effervescent Hee. And as if to confirm his fear, Jae looked at the sly smile that played around Hee's lips, and slowly turned around to see Yunho, his left brow cocked and arms crossed. "Ask me what exactly?" He repeated this time; he was looking directly at Jae's eyes.

"Oh, Taeyeon dear, I think someone's beckoning us outside..." Heechul, with a malicious smile, darted towards the exit, dragging the confused looking Taeyeon with him. Jae shot him a death glare.

When Taeyeon started complaining, Heechul spoke again, with more force this time. "You hear that beckoning call OUTSIDE right?"

"OH! Oh oh oh! Sure totally!" She smiled when it dawned her. "Yeah sure, totally calling us outside. So yeah, we're going now." She said, clearly excited about this, as Jae heard the both of them trying to be discreet about their gushing and utterly failing. Imma kill me some bishies when I'm done here Jae thought, as watched the practice halls door close, leaving him alone with Yunho.

A bead of sweat rolled down Jae's back when Yunho and he were alone in the room. "It was just... I was just..." Jae said nervously.

"Yes, Jae?" Yunho's cold voice scared him. What was up with him?

"I was just wondering... If this was okay with you" Jae fritted, as he opened his sketch pad to his new design of Yunho's costume. He was surprised to see the surprised look on Yunho's face. In a flick of a second, Jae could have sworn he saw Yunho's eyes play a hint of relief and more surprisingly, a glint of happiness. But, it could have been the wind.

"Sure" Yunho said, smiling, which shocked Jae. What was up with this guy's mood? Jae asked himself as he huffed in disbelief.

Yunho must have seen it since, after a while he strained his eyes, composed himself and went back to his cold, nonchalant face. "It's okay" He finally said. "It's okay"

Jae could feel the irritation boiling but decided to let it go. "Okay, fine" He said, trying to hide the irritation that was showing. Yunho just shrugged and was about to leave, still wearing that façade that Jae finally snapped. What happened to that first day? Jae thought, so confused that he could feel his cheeks burn as he shout.

"What the hell man?!" Jae shrieked, stunning Yunho cold in his track and looked back. "Your all kind and very concerned one day and you get shitty and all the next?! What the heck man?" Jae shout and looked Yunho in the eyes, letting his anger all out but felt his betraying tears starting to form. Damnit!

Jae saw a flick of panic on Yunho's eyes when Jae started crying. He also so the internal debate that seemed to be going on the other boy's face, as if deciding whether or not touching him was a good idea or not.

"What the frick is wrong with you?" Jae shout

"I DON'T..." the other boy whispered.

"What happened..." Jae continued

"Just...I DON'T..." the other boy continued...

"Why are..." Jae stared but was suddenly stopped when the other boy cut him off.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Yunho screamed. " I don't know, okay? I'm so confused, why I am like this! I don't know why I get all weird and stuff when you're around, and with the play coming up, I can't handle another dish on my plate. I just..." He broke off, which kind of confused Jae even more. What did he mean by him getting weird?

"You know what, fine" Yunho continued, " I really don't know... Just...just stay away from me..." Yunho said and just as he exited, he met the confused gazes of Taeyeon and Heechul who decided to go back in.

"Dang! And I thought I was the drama queen!" Heechul commented as he went to Jae, wiping his tears.

"What was that all about?" Taeyeon asked as he handed Jae another wad of tissue.

Jae blinked and looked blankly at both of his friends. "I'd like to know that too"


I know, its suckish but its really just what I can produce from my brain, even after all the months of hiatus. Sorry!

But, please stay tuned! I really appreciate the blokes who read this!

Thanks so much!  I love all the 16300 of you!

Fan/Comment/Vote! Thanks!


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