Chapter 11: Sleepover

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(A/N: New chapter as promised. I will do the same tomorrow but as early as now, I warn that I can't upload Saturday because of a previous engagement, but other than that, I will be more regular in posting now that it is summer here in my country. So enjoy and love #YunJae - or #JaeHo, whichever works for you- forever! #alwayskeepthefaith #cassies)


"There you are" A sinister voice croaks, a baseball bat on his hand.

Heartbeat rising, bile retrograding, escaping wanted but is not given.

"No point in running!" The voice says as it draws closer, showing sharp canine-like tooth of a man whose face is shrouded in the dark.

Lightning flashes. Thunder strikes. The silhouette raises the bat, laughing as he did.

"Any last words, dearie?" He shrieks...

A stifled cry and a sudden crunch of metal on skull...





"NO!" Jae opens his eye with a shriek. He sits up and is in an unfamiliar room. He sees that he is in a bedroom, his bed adjacent a sliding door. Right across him, a computer table sets abuzz by a closed window with the former the only illuminated object in the room.

He realizes that he has no idea of where he is and is overcome with a strong surge of panic. What had he been doing? He remembers the pain on his foot, this evident even as he lies down on top of the unknown bed. He remembers running but....

Then it hits him; he was running from a silhouetted pursuer. Jae tries to stand but is startled by the sound of muffled footsteps coming toward him. "This can't be happening" He whispers to himself, grasps the wall and try to stand and falls to the floor, pain causing him to have spasms of vertigo. He was on the verge of crying as he lay on the floor when he hears a voice he didn't expect would give him much relief that he'd care to admit.

"Jae?" Yunho's voice seeks out to Jae's direction. Jae opens his eyes and sees the concern that Yunho's eyes conveys.

"What's going on? What happened?" Jae asks taking Yunho's outstretched hand and settles back in the bed. "Where are we?" He asks as soon as he regains vision and is able to sit up in the bed.

"You mean you don't remember?" Yunho asks, sitting beside Jae in the bed, a certain familiarity in the way he acts as he sits there.

"We're in your room?" Jae says timidly, unable to contain his unease at the thought of being in the room with Yunho.

"I mean... Well... Uhm... I kinda bumped into you on Martyr's pass and you... You kind of..." Yunho mumbles, hesitant to make eye contact.

"We did what on where?" Jae asks, lowering his head so now he was looking at Yunho's face, and was startled to see that the other boy was shocked at the sudden eye contact.

"Well, you were running...limping actually... And then we bumped each other on that turn to Martyr's pass and you kind of fainted and I kind of panicked so I brought you here." Yunho's hand waved through the room. "I brought you here in my room" He said a little bit lower in volume than he did.

Memories of the Heart (YunJae fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon