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Size: 0.12-34 feet

Weight: .09-600 lbs.

Description: The Gwanga chooses it's own path. The color of it's left and right wing will guide it through life by determining it's fait and helping it survive. If one of it's wings is green, and the other purple then the Gwanga will be a big trouble maker. On the other hand If the wings are red and yellow the Gwanga will only choose good for it's life, and so on, and so on.

Special abilities: Invisibility, heat-vision, mind reading, telekinesis, poison-wing, and many other abilities determined by their wing colors.

Where they live: The Gwanga is thought to lie in a different galaxy far, far away that is filled with all type of mythical creatures.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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