Chapter 1

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Tanner stared intently at the computer screen typing away. Her Laptop pulled close to her as she leaned forward shielding it. Mackenzie sighed afraid to ask exactly what it was she was trying to hide, but pulled her phone out and text her anyways.

"What are you doing exactly?" Mackenzie watched as Tanner checked her phone then grinned.

"Hacking the airport." Tanner gave a half grin then went back to typing.

Mackenzie's eyes widened as she reached out snatching the laptop away from Tanner, and pulling the battery off the back and slipping it into her backpack then handing the computer back.

"Aw come on Zie....don't you wanna know if I can do it?" Tanner whined.

Mackenzie shook her head and whispered in response, "What I do not want is for us to get arrested. No computer until our plane has safely landed.

"Whatever you say, mom!" Tanner chided reaching for her own backpack and digging through it.

"I checked bother you extra batteries in with my luggage," Zie informed her friend as she buried her face in a magazine.

     Tanner let out a dramatic moan and flung herself back into her seat. "You are such a party pooper."

"And you are going to end up arrested," Mackenzie answered.

     Tanner rolled her eyes stuffing her computer into her backpack and leaning on her right arm reading the magazine over Mackenzie's shoulder. Mackenzie, in turn, angled herself so Tanner could see well. The two sat like that for the next 20 minutes until their flight was called. They flew from the Indianapolis to New York then had a 3-hour layover before the 7-hour flight to London.

     Tanner slept peacefully the whole way, but the girl could literally sleep anywhere. She once fell asleep on a ski lift when the two had got stuck for an hour and that wasn't the weirdest place she had fallen asleep. Mackenzie, on the other hand, got no sleep. The man next to her was chatty the whole way. Zie felt as if she knew the man's life story by the time the plane landed in London. When the plane landed Mackenzie hurried Tanner off the plane.

"Girl where's the fire?" Tanner asked as Zie dragged her to the baggage claim.

"The guy next to us talked for literally 7 hours. 7 HOURS Tanner. He only stopped when he spent 5 minutes in the bathroom."

     Tanner laughed pulling her suitcases off the belt. Mackenzie followed pulling hers own off, and scooted Tanner towards the exit when the man began waving at Mackenzie. She gave him a quick wave and pushed Tanner towards the front door.

"You got the address, right? Mrs. Eberly will be waiting for us?"

     Tanner's eyes lit up, "Oh yeah she called yesterday our apartment will be another two weeks." Tanner grinned.

"WHAT?" Mackenzie asked panicking. "What are we supposed to do sleep under the London bridge?"

     Tanner laughed and shook her head, "You can sleep wherever you want. I already called Phil yesterday, and he and Dan said we can stay with them until our apartment is ready."

     Mackenzie stared blankly at Tanner who laughed in return. "Relax Zie everything does not have to go exactly according to your plan at all times. Besides we haven't seen Dan and Phil since Vid Con. It will be fun. Phil was pretty excited about it. He wants to show us the city."

     Mackenzie took a deep breath as her pulse slowed. "And they know we are coming?"

     Tanner rolled her eyes and butted in front of a woman who was headed towards an available cab. She tossed her luggage in the trunk and slid in shrugging at the women's glare. "You snooze you lose."

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