A Skeletal Domain

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Song and Artist: "A Skeletal Domain" by Cannibal Corpse.

Check out the pic on media to understand where they are/how  the setting is looks like.


"Are they here yet?" Alex asked behind my shoulder. I shushed her, turning back at the little crack I was looking out of.

"He isn't back yet." I sighed worriedly. I looked out of the crack again, checking if I see any sign of Bryan or anyone else anywhere.

"Well, maybe he's-" I slapped my hand over Alex's mouth, shushing her right away. I quieted my breathing, trying to make myself dead silent. Alex whimpered in my hand, tears slipping out of them. The sounds of bones clacking against each other can be heard. A shadow casted over the light the crack provided us in this tree.

Four seconds.

Four minutes.

Four hours?

They finally walked away, and I was finally able to breathe again. I took my hand away from Alex's mouth. She breathed in and out slowly, calming herself. I looked out the crack again. Nothing.

I put my back against the bark and sighed as I slid down to the floor.

"Non of them are back yet," I said solemnly. Even in the darkness, I can see Alex's face, and she gave me a stern look.

"Don't even let your thoughts go to that conclusion." She started. I shook my head and shrugged.

"Anything might've happened." I said simply. The tears slipped out of her green eyes.

"Kyle, I said don't," She said again. I opened my mouth again, just for utter silence to be heard. I looked at the ground, nothing I can say.

"Kyle!" I heard Shannon say. I jolted up from my spot on the ground, and I looked at the crack. I smiled.

"Get in already before one of it see's you," I whispered harshly, despite the happiness I feel on the inside.

Shannon climbed the tree and slipped through the hole on the top of the burned Oak Tree. She put down the satchel and backpack from her shoulders and tried her best to catch her breath. Alex hugged her tightly, probably overwhelmed that Shannon was okay.

"Where's Bryan? And Jordan? Johnnie?" Alex listed the names. Shannon put her hands on her head and breathed.

"I'm pretty sure they're fine. But we split up when we were running away from a herd when we tried looking in the gas station's mini mart," Shannon said. I walked closer to her, my eyebrow raised.

"Wait, so you don't know where they are then?" I asked. Shannon looked up at me with a frown.

"I'm sorry. It was what we did at the spur of the moment. But I'm very sure they're okay." I took that in, and tried my best not to think too much about it.

"How about civilization? Any working towns or folks near us?" I asked. Shannon's frown deepened.

"Everything was in ruins. Everywhere. I-It's like a wasteland. It's like we're in a desert now. That gas station's mini mart was the only place we found that had food and drinks." She explained.

"But no folks? Anyone?" Alex asked. Shannon shook her head.

"No. I don't know how they did this, but... this place is basically a desert. Those things tore down the towns, not even the buildings are left behind. It was replaced with those disgusting trees they sprouted out from. They took down the cities and they are seriously no where to be found. The sky is polluted with the damage they caused. The sky is always blood red." Shannon explained with tearful, angry eyes.

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