The Art of Anesthasia

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Song and Artist: "The Art of Anesthesia" by Saywecanfly

It's sad I'm sorry.

Where am I? Why am I here? Am I alone?

The confusing thoughts and questions ran through Johnnie's head like wildfire. He turned his head left and right, trying to see someone he knew in the waiting room. The familiar hospital smell and tiled floor confirmed him that he was indeed in a hospital's waiting room. Looking down, he saw that he was sitting on one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs of a waiting room in the hospital. He put his hand on his head, furrowing his eyebrows.

You know that feeling when you fall asleep sitting up, and then all of a sudden you wake up and open your eyes suddenly, confused of where you are or what you were doing? That's what Johnnie felt, confused and disorientated.

He got up from the seat slowly, stretching his legs. He looked around again, he was definitely in a hospital's waiting room. Why was he here again? Was he waiting for someone and just dosed off? Johnnie looked to his left and saw a nurse behind the check-in desk. He walked towards it whilst rubbing his tired eyes.

"Uh-hum, excuse me ma'am?" He asked politely. The lady kept writing away on her notebook, not acknowledging Johnnie. He raised a brow at how rude she's being.

"I said excuse me?" Johnnie said a little louder. Still, she said nothing and started typing on the computer. Johnnie scrunched up his nose a little, not liking her attitude. She sighed and looked up.

"Yes?" She answered. Johnnie relaxed a little and smiled.

"Yea, do you kno-"

"Thank you, I'm here for my appointment?" A man's voice said, making Johnnie turn his head to the man next to him.

"Yes, you can go right ahead inside." She said politely to him and gave him a sheet of paper. He took it and walked away, leaving Johnnie pretty pissed off.

"Hey, I was here first." Johnnie argued. The nurse continued writing on her note pad, not having a care in the world. Johnnie shook his head and started exiting the waiting room.

"How fucking rude," he sighed and rolled his eyes. Once he stepped outside and onto the hallway, he looked to his sides.

"Which way is the exit?" He thought to himself. He honestly doesn't know this hospital very well. Johnnie saw a couple of men in surgical costumes speed walk down the right part of the hallway. Dusting off his sweater, he walked towards them. Maybe they know the exit out of here.

"Hello! Excuse me?" He called out a little, trying to catch up with them. They were walking pretty fast, but Johnnie just wanted to go home. As soon as he finds the exit out of here, the sooner he can leave.

"Excuse me!" Johnnie called again, aggravated. He just woke up from a nap, of course he's going to be grumpy if everyone was so damn rude. Johnnie started jogging to catch up with them. The surgeons were walking to one of the emergency/operating part of the hospital. They eventually slowed down, making Johnnie slow down as well.

"Finally! Can you guys help me to get to the exit and-" The two men made a turn and opened a door and locked it, making Johnnie extremely angry.

"Oh for fucks sake! Why can't they-" Johnnie looked at the huge window on the wall in front of him, showing the inside of the room.

He stared with wide eyes, was he on drugs? What is he looking at? Who was he looking at?

He blinked a few times before taking a few steps closer to the glass and placing a hand softly on the glass.

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