Chapter 6

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Oliver part 3

"Oli, Oli, Oli!"

"I told you not to call me that."

"C'mon were almost at the front." Eliza yelled over the music that was already assaulting their ears and they weren't even on the club yet.

They were currently on the 'other side of town as Oliver's father would say. He would also call all the people there 'hoodlums.' He certainly wouldn't be too happy about the men wearing makeup and dresses. He's surprised Eliza was okay with all of this.

She grabbed Oliver's hand and pulled him towards the entrance but he didn't cooperate.

"Are you sure about this, I mean we shouldn't be out so late. My dad and Hilda will be worried. What if they figure out we're not in my room -"

"Don't be such a bore." She cut through his rambling. "We'll have so much fun."

That's how he found himself smack dab in the middle of sweaty bodies, throbbing melodies and drunk strangers. He tells himself this is the last time he goes along with a plan concocted by Eliza, but he tells himself that every time she comes up with a crazy scheme. She's wild and spontaneous but hold Iron Age views. She a contradiction in and of herself. Well more like she holds herself to double standards.

He doesn't really understand why she would make him come here. He was an atrocious drunk and even worse dancer. He didn't look it really. He was all cardigans, ties and button downs, but clubs and alcohol had become something he was very accustomed to.

As he's being tossed around through the tick tocking bodies of people he probably wouldn't interact with in a daily basis he decides it might be best to go to the bar. He orders a drink and takes a moment to himself to enjoy burn if the alcohol sliding down his throat. He really shouldn't be so familiar with its sting but being bestfriends with a girl like Eliza has its advantages. He ordered himself a few more shots and had then decided to resign himself to that seat.

A very pretty girl, who as she said, was named Jane, came up to him and tried to chat him up. She kept touching him and trying to act seductive but she was highly intoxicated and stumbling over her words.

"Why don't you come" she hiccuped breaking the sentence "back to my place."

Most men wouldn't say no to a pretty girl offering to take them home. But she was so drunk she probably didn't know what she was doing and he wouldn't take advantage of her like that. But another more obvious reason was that he was also gay and she was most definitely not his type.

He politely declined get offer
For sex and proceeded to drink some more.

However Oliver hadn't eaten that day and alcohol and empty stomachs do not go well together. He began to feel dizzy and called out to Eliza, forgetting that she was being deafened by the same aggressive melody that he was. He Attempted to stumble out of the club.

When he reached outside everything began to spin and the last thing he remembers was the sound of the club before he passed out onto the ground.

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