Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning


Jade turned around and saw Andre rushing towards her, his eyes incredibly bloodshot.

"Andre-" Jade began but was cut off when the boy hugged her fiercely. She couldn't find it in herself to return the favor and just stood there, waiting for him to let go. When he did, he was sniffling again and Jade felt her heart breaking. The pain on his face was agonizing and she had to look away.

"Beck... is he dead?" Jade whispered biting her tongue from screaming in anguish.

"Not yet but it doesn't look good," Andre groaned. "They had to pump his stomach but it may have been too late. You should have seen him Jade... saying horrible, horrible things to Tori and then he threw up and-" he couldn't continue as a fresh wave of tears wracked his body and Jade led him to a chair in the waiting room. People were staring but she didn't care.

"I knew he was behaving strangely but I didn't actually think he'd do it," Jade murmured. "Is Tori okay?"

"She's fine," Andre said wiping his eyes. "She passed out from shock and grief I think. Should be out any minute now."

Jade nodded and fell silent, willing herself not to think. She watched the nurses come in and out of the room and felt a slight headache throbbing due to the sterile walls and floor. The conversations from people around them turned into background noise and she zoned out, feeling mental exhaustion overtake her. She knew that she was close to breaking down but she couldn't. Not yet. But heavens knew she was going to crack.

"Jade," Andre nudged her, shocking her out of her reverie. "Jade, Tori's out."

He nodded to the counter in the middle of the room and Jade spotted her girlfriend talking to one of the nurses. Tori's actions were frantic and her face scrunched with worry. Jade's heart raced and she refrained from leaping up from the chair and squeezing the life out of the girl.

Tori suddenly turned around, as if feeling Jade's stare and spotted Jade immediately, her eyes growing wide and her features relaxing with relief. The nurse standing next to her tried to get her attention but the brunette ignored her and jogged over to Jade and Andre. Jade automatically stood up and then Tori's hard body collided with hers and Tori was sobbing and Jade was clutching onto the girl and God the world suddenly seemed a little brighter.

"Jade, oh Jade," Tori bubbled into her girlfriend's shoulder. Jade felt sharp pain through her chest as Tori fell completely undone in her arms and she knew she had to keep strong for a moment longer. She had to be strong.

"Shh, baby, I'm here," Jade soothed, squeezing her eyes shut to stop any tears from escaping.

"I'm so sorry, Jade, I didn't mean what I said and now Beck... now Beck is..."

"I know," Jade murmured, taking comfort from the vanilla scent coming from her girlfriend. "I know you didn't mean it and this wasn't your fault, Tori."

"Yes it was! Beck told me it was!" Tori's scream was muffled into Jade's neck.

"Tori, you've got to know that he didn't mean it," Andre interjected but his comment went unheard. Tori was inconsolable and all Jade could do was hold her.

"Are you here for Beck Oliver?"

A voice interrupted the moment and Tori turned around, her back to Jade who wrapped an arm around her waist. Andre stood up next to them urgently. A nurse stood there with a face that could only spell trouble. The woman was young and she swallowed nervously before talking again. Jade thought that she was probably new at this. Nevertheless, all three's stomachs dropped to their toes.

"I-I'm so sorry," the nurse began.

"No," Tori said quietly, already suspecting the worst. Jade felt her start to shake under her grip.

"Beck... we-we couldn't extract the drugs from his system in time. They'd already shut down his brain by the time we pumped his stomach. We tried everything that we could-"

Time stood still for Jade. Her senses went into overdrive and she saw Tori and Andre's reactions seemingly in slow motion. Tori's knees gave way and Andre slumped back into his chair, crying in grief. Jade fell down with Tori and heard awful moaning sounds coming from the girl, gasping and sobbing.

"I'm sorry-"

"Go," Jade heard herself say to the nurse. "Leave."

The nurse hurried away and left the three friends to pick up the broken pieces of their hearts. Their best friend had gone, leaving them behind with unanswered questions and a deep hole the size of the universe in their chests.

Jade still didn't break.


A/N: Hey guys, I bet you seriously hate me for this chapter but it had to be done. Sorry, not sorry. :P Also, this story is almost finished! A few more chapters left of Tori and Jade's journey. Thank you all for sticking with me this long and with the girls. 

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