Calum - New Kids Part Two

Start from the beginning

"What's up with you today?" You ask, turning your attention towards him as the two of you head to the library for your study period.

"Nothing." He shrugs, avoiding your gaze.

"Doesn't seem like nothing. I miss my flirty, playful Calum." You mumble. "He has this adorable smile, and when he smiles really big his eyes get all crinkly, and it's so cute. He's also kinda hot, but I didn't want to tell him that yesterday, because I knew it'd just inflate his ego." You tease, biting your bottom lip.

"Oh, really?" He asks, a playful glint appearing in his eyes.

"Yeah, so if you see him can you tell him where I am?"

You smile before opening the library door, holding it open for him.

"Hi Mrs. Banks! This is Calum...? What's your last name again?" You whisper.

"Hood. I'm Calum Hood." He introduces himself to the teacher, a polite smile gracing his lips.

"It's a pleasure to have you at our school, Mr. Hood. You're lucky you have Ms. Y/L/N as your student guide. She's one of the best. Now, for the beginning of this period I have to discuss with you some of the things that happen in this class period, and all of the extra stuff that goes with being a new student in our school, but once that's done you can join Ms. Y/L/N at a table."

"Oh, Mrs. Banks, I have three more new students who will also be joining us, but that'll be at the next period change."

"Sounds good, dear. I'll direct Calum to your usual spot once I've explained everything to him."

You smile in acknowledgment, walking to your usual table and setting down your things. You finish all of your homework, and decide to go find a book to read for the rest of the period. You browse the shelves looking for any new additions when you feel someone place their hands on your hips, blowing gently on the back of your neck causing a quiet squeak to leave your lips; you turn around to find Calum with a huge grin on his face, you playfully hit his chest as you giggle.

"Calum! You scared me!" You try and keep a stern face but fail in doing so when his smile grows, that contagious grin making your lips turn upwards.

"I found him." He murmurs.

A crease forms between your brows in confusion. "Found who?"

"The flirty, playful, and hot Calum you were missing." He smirks, exaggerating the word "hot".

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, and he would really like to take you ou-"

"There you two are!" Mrs. Banks exclaims. "The other three boys have shown up and are looking for you. I went through everything with them already, so they're free to join the two of you."

You pull away from Calum's grip, following her to the front where the three boys are standing awkwardly.

"Follow me." You smile, the boys trailing a few feet behind you. You can hear them mumbling to themselves in what they must think are quiet voices.

"Have you made a move yet?" Michael asks.

"No! I tried, but then you asshats ruined it." Calum groans.

Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as to what they're talking about.

"Mate, just ask her out. She likes you. I can tell by the way she looks at you." Ashton whispers.

"If you don't ask Y/N out soon then I will." Luke declares.

You bite your lip as you realize Calum was talking about you. You turn around abruptly as you reach your table, pretending you hadn't heard the entire conversation between the boys.

"This is where I was sitting, if you guys want you can sit on that table there since there's only two chairs at this one."

Calum quickly sets his stuff down near yours before the other boys can claim the seat. The three boys focus on their work, Calum pulls out a notebook, and you open the book you had found earlier. The five of you work in silence before Calum scribbles something on his notebook, sliding it towards you.

"You look really cute when you're focused."

You smile as you read the note, scribbling your own note before passing it back to him.

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself."

A playful grin spreads across his plump lips, and you blush slightly from his gaze. He scribbles another note down, looking back and forth between the notebook and you before hesitantly handing it to you; he watches you with nervous eyes, biting his lip as he waits for you to answer his message.

"I already tried this earlier, but the teacher interrupted us, and I don't know if I'll have the courage to do this again, but would you maybe like to go on a date with me? Circle YES or NO."

You giggle at his note, his cheeks turning red as you scribble something back.

"Are we suddenly in the third grade, again?"

A slight frown forms on his lips before he realizes you circled "YES" on his question. A huge grin spreads across his face as he quickly rushes to the boy's table.

"SHE SAID YES!" He exclaims a little too loudly.

"Quiet, please!" Mrs. Banks orders.

Calum turns back to his friends sheepishly before smiling again.

"I told you she'd say yes!" Ashton smiles, patting his friend on the back.

"Y/N, you don't know what you're getting yourself into." Michael teases.

"I'll take the risk." You shrug.

Luke opens his mouth to say something, but is cut off by the lunch bell.

Calum extends his arm for you to hold onto; you raise an eyebrow before grabbing his arm.

"Shall we have our lunch date?" He beams.

"Calum, I really hope you plan to take me somewhere else for our first date than the school cafeteria." You tease.

"I have $5 on me. We can share some nacho's."

"How about you pick me up at 7 tonight, and we'll go to that little burger joint near the mini golf pala-"

"I LOVE THAT PLACE! CAN I COME?" Michael interrupts.

You giggle, shaking your head at him. "You want to come on our first date?"

"If it involves burgers and mini golf then hell yeah."

"You're not coming on our date!" Calum interjects, rolling his eyes at his friend. "7 tonight? He asks.

"7 is perfect." You smile, grabbing his hand as the five of you head to the cafeteria.

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