Davie I Can't Breath

Start from the beginning

"What are you two little brats doing here?" Asked the man. 

"Uhhh... We were hiding. Right Davey." Said Mercy.

"Uhh... Yeah we were hiding, and now we're done so we'll be leaving now. Right Lucas?" Said Ceil.

 "Wrong. you two are coming with me." Said the man as he grabbed them by the collars of their shirts.  "Tell me why you two were hiding here?" 

"We pick pocketed some old guy and his butler." Said Ceil.

"Yeah and then his butler chased after us so we decided to hide out here until we were sure he was gone." Said Mercy. "Honest we didn't know anyone was living here... Please don't call the cops on us." 

"Yeah if you do they'll separate me and my big brother!" Cried Ceil. 

"So a couple of pick pockets aye?" Said the man as he looked at both of them. "Well then my boss lady is gonna wanna chat with you two gits. Come on let's go see her." Said the man as he took them to a room. When the man walked in with the pair everyone stopped talking and looked at them. Mercy tried to hide her face as best as she could for the moment. Then a woman hiding in the shadows stood from her seat and walked over to the man, it was Billie the Kid.  "Uhhh... Ms. Kincaid I found the source of that noise." Said the man as he put the two down. 

"What are these two?" Asked Billie. 

"Their two pick pockets who are hiding out... They said they were brothers and that if they got arrested they would be separated." Said the man.

"Brother pick pockets huh? Well we wouldn't want to separate a little boy from his big brother now would we." Said Billie. "What a cute little boy. Would you like some candy." Said Billie as she took out a lollipop out from the in between of her breasts. 

"Well go on Davey..." Said Mercy as she nudged Ceil.

"Oh... Ummm.... Thank. You." Said Ceil as he blushed while taking Billie's boob candy. 

"Mmm... And what a handsome young man." Said Billie as she grinned mischievously. "Oh I bet you don't want candy at all." Said Billie as she touched Mercy's face in a seductive way. 

"So what are you going to do to us?" Asked Ceil as he ate the lollipop. 

"My what a rude child can't you see the grown up's are talking." Said Billie as she pushed Ceil to the ground. 

"Davey! Are you ok?" Asked Mercy as she tried to help Ceil up. 

"Now now there's no need to help him up, he's a brat after all. And as for you... You'd be far more attractive if you didn't have such big pair breasts." Said Billie as she reached for the inside of Mercy's shirt and tore the binding off her breasts. "Hello Jaclyn.... Or do you still go by Mercy. I have to say it was pretty clever you trying to sneak in here like this. But it's really unlike you to bring a kid into this mess." Said Billie as Mercy tried to cover her breasts. 

"Dammit... I really wish I had just let you die in the streets." Said Mercy as she looked around for way out of this.

Damn the door is blocked, and the only way out is that window... But me and Ceil are surrounded... Wait that floor board I use that. 

"Now I can see why your husband left you." Said Billie.

"What should we do with them now Ms?" Asked the man.

"Hmmmm.... Kill them." Said Billie. 

"Mercy what do we do now!" Shouted Ceil.

"This!" Shouted Mercy as she stomped down on a loose floor board. "Come on Ceil let's get out of here." She said as the floor board hit Billie in the chin. Mercy grabbed Ceil and carried him on her back. She jumped on the table and ran across it, as she did that the thugs that Billie was surrounded by tried to catch them. 

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