"I am so sorry-" Luna was saying, just as Sirius let out an embarrassed groan.

"Your timing is impeccable as always, Rich."

"Indeed, it is- I'll give you one minute to straighten yourselves out, and then I want you both to meet me in the hall outside. You too, Lupin! Understand?" Richard said, and when the two teens nodded he left the room. Sirius and Luna sat there for a moment, both left a little stunned, when a voice from across the room piped up.

"And that is why you don't snog in the bloody infirmary!" Remus Lupin huffed as he rolled out of bed with a properly disgruntled expression. If Luna's face hadn't been red before, it was certainly bright red now.

"Sorry Remus." She and Sirius said together. Remus replied with a small grunt, leaving the room without bothering to fix his mop of hair. When Sirius offered his hand Luna took it, and somewhat sheepishly the two exited the infirmary, going to face the ever-amused looking Richard Potter.

"That was easily a minute and a half."

"Hey, at least we came out." Sirius said, giving a small shrug. Richard only rolled his eyes before he turned to address Luna, and while he was serious, she could still see humor in his eyes.

"Luna, it's been brought to my attention that after Hogwarts you'll have nowhere to stay."

Puzzled, Luna gave a small nod. After-Hogwarts was something she tried not to dwell on too often. Richard nodded back at her, lips pulled into a faint smile.

"Well, I wanted to let you know you're more than welcome to come stay with us at the Den- We have an extra room, I've talked about it with Anna, and we'd both love for you to have it. Sirius and James will be staying with us as well- You'll be on a different floor, however. I hope that's fine with you- Something tells me you don't fancy having too much space between you too." Richard said dryly, but Luna couldn't afford to be embarrassed when she realized the offer he was making her.

"Mr. Potter, I-"

"Call me Richard, Luna. Please."

"Richard, that would be amazing." Luna said, the words coming out of her in one big gush of air. "I can't even figure out how to repay you- I can help clean, of course, and shop sometimes once I manage to get a job- But thank you! So much."

"It's the least I can do. Now for tonight, myself and one of our department's apprentices are going to meet you and Remus in the Hospital Wing after dinner. We'll escort you to the Shrieking Shack, and you'll be placed in separate rooms till the full moon is over. You'll be taken back to the Hospital Wing, attended to, and then we'll have you moved to a private room where we'll ask you a couple of questions." Richard smiled weakly. "Do you find this arrangement suitable?"

Squeezing Sirius's hand tightly, Luna nodded once. "I do, yeah."

"Perfect. I will see you tonight, then. For now, I'd advise you enjoy the day- Preferably, perhaps, in less public settings." Richard said kindly before he walked away, leaving Remus thoroughly amused, and Luna turned to hide her red face in Sirius's jumper.


"You feeling okay?" James Potter's voice interrupted Lily's thoughts, a voice surprisingly found welcome.

"Yeah. My arm is a bit sore, but besides that I'm good. What's that?" Lily asked, watching with a faint frown as James came to sit beside her, holding something a warm peachy color that looked rather appetizing.

"Calming Draught. Looks like I was the first kid to start freaking out- Started hyperventilating while talking to the Professors 'bout everything. Feel fine now though." James said, acting rather nonchalantly. But Lily supposed that was the effect of the Calming Draught. She nodded slowly, brushing her hair out of her face.

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