"That's really your fault, isn't it, for not making sure?" Benny jibed, only angering her even more. She picked up the lamp beside her and threatened to throw it, but Benny just cowered back, holding his hands in front of his face.

"I'm sorry." He cowered behind his hands. She guessed his apology was supposed to tempt her to put it back down again. But she wasn't going to put it down until she was sure he was finally telling the truth. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, I swear." He promised, knowing it was fine well aiming for Brigit, but if it was going to get him caught by Griffin then he could do without her and aim for a new wife once he got back home. A wife with a lot of money, much more than Noelle had and then he would be perfectly happy. Once he had enough money to live as he wished to, then it wouldn't matter what happened or who came after him. He would have enough money to change his name, move country and disappear out of trace. Not even Griffin, the FBI, or the Italian NOCS would find him then.


The ship came into port around one o'clock that afternoon, with the few relatives and friends of the passengers on board, waiting to greet the ship. Not one of them had any idea about what had gone on during the twenty-one day trip. They all waited eagerly to see their kin and close friends, some waving flags, some hanging back lazily, smoking a cigarette. The sun was out for their return and although they had lost a few passengers along the way, some departing in Romania along with the pirates, and Eddie's sad loss, the number on board was still considerable enough.

When they departed, no-one noticed the curious looks and frightened glances. Most passengers knew Griffin by sight, as they did with Cuthbert, Patrick and Palmer. They were continually getting wary looks from the other passengers despite the fact that no-one was trying to get in their way or implicate them. As Griffin had explained, he left the ship with a young girl on his arm, who looked more like she was his girlfriend than a victim of circumstance.

As soon as they hit land, Cuthbert and Patrick packed their luggage into a silver BMW they had parked in the car park next to the departure port, said farewell to Palmer and Griffin and drove off. Palmer was left to pack up the black BMW parked next to the silver one, while Griffin and Brigit climbed inside and got comfortable. "Alright Palmer, right to the drop off please, let's get this over and done with." Griffin directed him, intriguing Brigit, who wondered what he was 'dropping off' and if he had actually lied and was going to ransom her off after all.

They drove off a few minutes later, leaving the cruise ship and all its passengers behind. Palmer was careful to go along at the speed limit, until they had gone through town, and ended up along an old deserted railway station. It had only taken ten minutes to get there, and Griffin had only made one phone call, as soon as they got into the car, to ask someone to meet him at the railway. When they arrived, Brigit could see a group of three or four people lit up with the headlights only to go into darkness when Palmer turned the lights off. Brigit wondered who Griffin was meeting.

"Stay in the car. Don't open the window, don't open the door to anyone and don't panic no matter what happens." He advised her as he opened the door, waiting for her to agree before stepping out and giving more directions to Palmer, who stayed in the drivers seat. She could just hear him saying that he should keep the engine running and keep all windows and doors shut. She rather thought it was more out of secrecy rather than anything else. They wouldn't be able to hear anything with the doors and windows closed and with the engine going on in the background.

For Brigit, all she saw were two of the four people interacting, one which she presumed was Griffin. After just a few minutes the side shutters of the railway station flashed open making a vast clatter of noise that reached over the running engine. Immediately after that she heard shouting and a few gunshots that frightened her. A second later, the door beside her opened, making her squeak in surprise until she saw Griffin's face. He got inside with a sigh and directed Palmer to go home without making any indication as to what had happened outside.

Murder on the High Seas - The Devereaux CaseFiles Book 3Where stories live. Discover now