Chapter 15

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Bones' P.O.V.

She didn't have periods, what kind of woman didn't have periods?I followed her to the door. We stepped onto the porch of the little green and white house.

She turned a quick frown and scowl on me, before banging on the door. She didn't stop banging on it.

I was starting to consider grabbing her arm to make her stop when the door swung open to reveal a very annoyed looking woman.

I couldn't help myself, but stare in curious, fascination. Her hair was long and hung to the back of her knees and it was the color of the gold streaks in Calico's hair. Her eyes were just as big and wide as Calico's except this woman's eyes were a pale grey, like melting snow.Her skin was slightly tanned like she had been kissed by the sun.

Her and Calico shared the exact same features only different coloring, where Calico was gold on snow, this woman was gold and bronze.

Her eerie grey eyes landed on me and she made an expression of fear and disgust.

I chuckled. Maybe this woman was Calico's sister.

Next to me, Calico cleared her throat, pointedly.

The woman looked at her and it was like she was looking at the most revolting creature on the planet. Calico returned the look with a glare. Really, she was going to end up with wrinkles if she kept glaring at everything.

"Calico," the woman said, "my precious daughter has come home," she sneered in distaste.

"Did you think I was dead, oh mother dearest?"

I looked between them. They were mother and daughter? They looked around the same age.

"Of course not, I knew you were alive. I just wished you would die," her mother scowled.

It was my turn to clear my throat. I don't care if this woman was Calico's mother. I'm not letting her speak to my love like that.

"And you are?" I asked.

The mother barely spared me a glance, "I see you're still fucking around with leeches."

Calico flinched next to me and I turned to stare at her in shock.

What the hell? I thought she hated vampires?

Her expression was of pure murderous intent. The way she looked at her mother was like looking at someone that you want completely and permanently obliterated from the world. As if she was holding a long grudge against her own mother.

Calico stepped forward and shoved her mother out of the way and walked in. I followed right behind her as I listened to her mother grumbling curses at her daughter and me before slamming the door shut.

The house was completely clean and pristine. Everything seemed to be in order and organized in a strange pattern by color.

I walked to the green couch and sat next to Calico while still gazing around. Their were no photos on the wall. No moments of a happy memory.

"Her name is Cassie," Calico said. I turned and took in her tense form.

She looked like she was preparing for an attack.

Cassie walked in carrying a tray of tea. She set it on the table and poured a cup for Calico and herself. Their was none for me. I'm not complaining or anything, but isn't it good manners to offer all guests a drink. How rude.

Cassie put the cup in front of Cali, who just ignored it. She watched her mother sit back in her seat and slowly start taking her time drinking her from her cup.

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