Chapter 11

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Bones' P.O.V.

"Trust me," she had whispered as she leaned back in her seat. Her words had been so cold and callous, but at the same time so logical.

I looked at the sleeping form next to me. She looked so peaceful, so innocent. It was hard to believe that just an hour ago this girl had been talking about killing a bunch of innocent young girls.

Trust me.

I couldn't get those two words of hers out of my head. They were spoken with an under layer of so much pain and sadness. You can see it in the back of her glazed over eyes that she was remembering something that had been haunting her for awhile. For the rest of the night she had acted as if I didn't exist. She didn't speak, she didn't respond to anything. I had spoken dirty words to her, expecting to get a reaction, but she did nothing and only stared at the ceiling. When she finally moved she had grabbed a bottle from the fridge, took a couple of sips along with two pills, and went to bed.

She hadn't said anything as I thought she would when I followed her under the blankets.

She shifted in the blankets stretching her arms out above her head and relaxed again with her right forearm across her forehead and her left arm curled above her head. Her silver, gold streaked hair was a mess around her beautiful body.

I looked at her face closely to see if she really was asleep. When I decided she was, I ran my fingers through her hair. It felt like smooth, cool silk. I found myself continuously running my hands on her hair.

This isn't considered sexual harassment, is it? I thought, worriedly.

I frowned when I realized I was still petting her hair. Crap, I think I'm becoming addicted to it. Calico sighed, softly and smiled a little in her sleep. She seemed to like it. Still, I couldn't act like some pervert while she's asleep. I'll bug her when she wakes up in the morning about her hair, I decided.

I pulled my hand away and watched as she frowned. I lied down next to her and closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes. Did she just talk in her sleep? I reached for the tape recorder in my pocket, don't ask why I have a tape recorder, I just do. I like to mess with it when I'm bored. I could use whatever embarrassing thing she says to blackmail her into being my partner. Why did I want her to be my partner so much. I looked at her face and frowned. Calico had an expression of pain etched onto her face.

"Stop. Don't touch me," she continued.

I was surprised, though. She didn't seem like the type to sleep talk.

"Please stop," she whimpered as she clutched at the sheets with tears rolling down her cheeks, "It hurts."

She clenched her thighs together and I realized what she was dreaming about. I shook her shoulder, but she didn't wake up. But her expression did clear a little. Satisfied that I stopped the nightmares, I was going to sleep when she started talking again.

"Winnie?" I looked at her. Her tone was curious and confused as if she were looking for someone.

I stared, waiting. It didn't seem to be a nightmare.

"WINNIE!" she shrieked her body arching and falling back to the mattress, "No! Winnie!"

Damn, I didn't stop the nightmares I just changed it.

I got up on my knees and started shaking her by her shoulders.

She gasped as her eyes snapped open in shock and unseeing. She was still in the dream. She jerked up and latched herself to me, wrapping her arms tightly around my waist and hugging me to her.

"I'll avenge you, Winnie. I promise."

I didn't know what to do and so I caressed her hair to offer some kind of comfort. She relaxed into me as soon as I touched her hair. I realized she liked her hair being touched as she slept.

She was still latched onto me and so I laid back and pulled her onto my stomach. I brushed back her bangs and saw that her expression was at peace again with a little smile gracing her lips once again.

"I love you. Please don't leave me alone again," she whispered, softly. I went still. I knew she wasn't talking to me, but I couldn't stop the sudden explosion of feelings in my chest. Oh, I get it now. Now I know why I want her as my partner so much. Now that I think about it, it began from the very first moment I laid eyes on her and I had looked into those beautiful, liquid gold eyes and realized she was calculating how to find my weaknesses.

She had a fire in her soul, a fighting spirit, and I want to be consumed by it. I wanted to be devoured by her soul and I wanted to possess every inch of her as my own.

Yet, their is always a problem. She hates vampires and wished to kill them all.

Then I'll make her love me somehow, just as much as I love her, I thought. No sooner did I think that when I felt something inside me change. I felt something touching me in the back of my mind. It was soft and firm and was as light as gold cashmere. It seemed to be wrapping around me like a second skin. It felt so comfortable and familiar it was as if it was supposed to be there and I accepted it. I felt as if the lights in my head recognized each other and wove together to create one. Like it was meant to be this way from the very beginning.

I looked down at the sleeping beauty in my arms as I continued to run my hands through her hair.

"If only," I murmured, quietly and going to sleep, my hand still tangled in her silky strands.

The Silver-Gold Reaperजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें