{chapter 1} My life stinks!

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Y/N's P.O.V.

It was 6:30 in the morning,and I had to go to school. I woke up,and saw,once again,my sad and lonely room. I missed my parents,I don't want to remember what happened to them,and I know it's not true. They didn't die,they just went to visit Jesus over there in heaven,they'll come back...hopefully.

I stood up,and went to my closet and picked my clothes. I wore a pink dress,with long sleeves,some white flats,and my white purse. I didn't really cared if I looked nice. I went to my sister's room to wake her up. She was like a little angel,sleeping. She is the only thing I have,I want to make the most of it,while she's here.

Me:sis,wake up. It's time for school.

Dawn:five more minutes...

Me:no dawn,it's late.


Me:just,just five more minutes,okay?


~5 minutes later~

Me:dawn,wake up!

Dawn:five more minutes...

Me:no dawn!


~at school~

I left my sister in her line,while I left to mine. In my class,I sat next to my friend,Lizzie.

Me:hey Liz

Lizzie:heya,why r u tired?

Me:I couldn't sleep well,

Lizzie:*sighs*that dream again?

Me:yes,it's just sad what happened to my parents.

Lizzie:well,my family and I are going to the mall. My mom told me to tell u,if u and ur sister wanted to come? It's today,after school.

Me:sure,but I hardly have money...

Lizzie:don't worry,my mom gave me $50 dollars for each of us.

Me:oh Liz,I can't accept that...

Lizzie:plz just,take it.

Me:*smiles*u r good friend.

Lizzie:no,u are. Ur the only friend I have. U teach me not to be greedy,to share goodness to people. U deserve all this and more.

Me:*tears* thanks *hugs lizzie*

~after school~

I was so happy to go to the mall. I haven't went since...my parents died. But let's not remember sadness,this is supposed to be a happy day,a day where I have some fun!

Just finished my first chapter of Darwin X Reader! Hope u liked it and give me ideas for the future chapters.

Words written: 378

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