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Okay explaining this Delusional Girls(so far) book. But I don't know what all of you guys want. So I'll say my ideas and you vote for which one you want.... Okay!

Idea 1: it's like a book of one shots, but every girl has a problem and you must explain why/how/or she does that problem in front of the public. They wouldn't be connected like say Nia is in the hospital one chapter, but next it's all about Chloe and Nia is all fine and healthy.

Idea 2: once everyone has commented I'll put you guys in an order, that order will be the person who writes the first chapter to the last. So if you're first and say you have Chloe. Then your problem say is anorexia so Chloe goes into the hospital because she blacked out. Then that's how you end the chapter. So pm or tell the person writing chapter 2 that you want her character to visit Chloe in the hospital. So it can make it a little more connected.

Okay you must tell what their problem is. So no one has the same problem, omg I hope this works

Hope that made sense. Just comment one or two so that will be the vote.

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