| interview with @abbyscomp |

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Are you proud of being in the DM fandom? If yes, why?
I'm actually really proud of being in the DM fandom because you get to meet amazing people, but it has its flaws. Like all the hate is overwhelming for us, but I will always love this fandom.

What are some of your favorite books in the DM fandom?
My favorite book has to be zeegler's cool kids, and it's always been a favorite of mine.

Can you give some writing advice?
For advice all I have to say is be creative, and have unique and characters because the way you put people at the edge of their seats will make it an important book for them.

Would you consider doing a collab with anyone? If yes, with who? Would you do it with a random DM author? If I could do a collab with anyone in the fandom, it would probably be someone from the bitch squad, considering we have become unbelievable close after all this hate and they're some of my closest friends.

What do you use to make covers?
To make covers I mainly use phonto to actually put a title, and afterlight to make the cover standout more.

Do you have any advice for any rising DM authors? What is it?
For advice to rising authors, all I have to say is TALK TO PEOPLE. That's how you make great friends, and end up rising your own stories.

Who do you think is becoming a rising author?
Like Chelsea said in her interview, Rose (misschocchip ) because she's only been in this fandom for a short amount of time and is rising amazingly. ily Rose

Do you consider this fandom more of a family?
I definitely consider this fandom as a family because we talk to each other nonstop, I absolutely love having long group chats with the bitch squad because they're like my family.

Lastly, why are you apart of the DM fandom?
I'm probably here today because I love the idea of writing, and I like dance moms so lol.

Thanks sooo much for letting us interview you. You are an amazing author! I can't wait for you to update some of your stories!

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