“Greg, what do you mean it’s not a pretty one?”

“Elianna, they wanna kill me and then shelter you in a house they’ve just had built so you can mother their children that they want you to pop out”


“Elianna, calm down but yep, that’s exactly what their plan is”

“Those sadistic, egotistical, narcissistic, worthless human beings. I swear when I get my hands on them, they won’t freaking like living anymore” Elianna raged.

“What the heck was that all about? Seriously, where did that outburst come from and what the heck do those words mean?”

“Oh little Gregory, wouldn’t you love to know” She laughed.

“I would indeed but if you don’t wanna tell me, I understand”

“Sure ya do babe but you won’t ever know”

Elianna’s POV

When Greg told me of their plan, a switch inside of me just flipped. I just lost my cool and ended up shouting all these big words and just generally threatening them. Probably not a good decision on my behalf because, let’s face it; they can do much worse damage. I’m tied up and unable to move so obviously, they’d do more damage.

“Greg, will we ever get out of here?” I asked sporadically.

“I don’t know Elianna but if we do. I’m going out in a body bag while you leave pregnant probably”

“Ugh, this world is so messed up. I swear, like, who seriously kidnaps two people and plans to kill one?”

“Sick people, that’s who, Elianna, I can’t promise you anything but I’ll try and keep you safe for as long as I can”

“Greg, I don’t need the protection. You do. I’m not the one who’s threatened with murder”

“Elianna, I’m the guy, I’m meant to be protecting you”

“Greg, just shut up and let me protect you for once”

“Elianna, that’s virtually impossible since well, you’re tied. I’m not”

“I know, I know, I’m freaking useless”

“I never said that”

“You were implying it”

“I never said nor implied anything. Stop perceiving something which isn’t true”

“Wow, Greg West knows long words?”

“I’m not all thick you know”

“I never implied you were”

“Dang, using my own words against me now?”

“Very much so, Gregory”

“You’re something else Eli”

“And what does that mean because when I last checked, I was a girl. This means I was also human”

“I never meant it in that way! I meant that you…Argh! I hate you”

“No, you love me. Don’t worry, I hate you too, Mr”

“I don’t know if its love yet, babe but I sure do like you”

“Hmm, that’ll do for now. Greg, what happens if their plan succeeds?”

“I haven’t thought that far ahead Elianna, I’m just worried about the now rather than the latter end. I’m just trying to protect you while trying to save myself as well”

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg WestWhere stories live. Discover now