Chapter 24 - Final Chapter

Start from the beginning

“Listen”, said Delma, “I have to love you and leave you now, I agreed to Skype a potential client this afternoon, once that’s done I’m free again, OK?  But please, please  call me as soon as you have any more news, and I mean anything, promise?”

Rose hugged her friend, “Thanks for having Lloyd – I’ll call you later anyway, whether I’ve heard anything or not – I just can’t get those photographs out of my head.” Delma hugged her friend back. She was reluctant to leave her, she looked so deflated, but Nathalie was in the flat so she wouldn’t be alone.

Once Delma had left, Rose sat on the large Persian rug in her living room and helped Lloyd build a tower of bricks out of large colourful wooden blocks.  She still felt bad about not going to the clinic with Miles, she knew that he desperately wanted her support but he would have Helen and Bill there and if anyone needed support it was going to be Francesca. A reunion between them all was hardly appropriate at what might turn out to be the death bed of Fran’s brother. And Rose had to admit it; she desperately craved Mile’s presence. She had felt sad and shocked about Max but she was reeling, too, from seeing the photographs at Miles’s flat, particularly the ones of her and Max and she was still taking it all in. Miles said he would update her as soon as he knew exactly what Max’s condition was and she wished he would hurry up and call.

Feeling lonely, Rose went and fetched her laptop and typed an email message to her Dad. She knew he was probably out leading a night dive, so she just told him she was up for a Skype when he got back if he was no too tired. As an enticement she told him that she had finally got to see the photographs.

She was so lost in thought that when her ‘phone went off it almost made her jump off the ground, Lloyd stopped what he was doing to stare at it too. Convinced it was Miles, she was caught off guard when she heard Serge’s voice.

“Hello, is that you Rose?”

“Oh….Serge. How are you?”

He sounded tense, not his usual jovial and teasing self.

“I’m fine thanks, yourself?”

“Fine too,” Rose responded, “Have you called about the Spa?”

“No, no, not at all.  I’ve called to talk to you. How is Lloyd ….and…er…..Miles?”

Rose thought this was a strange conversation, where exactly was it leading. “They’re both well, thanks. Have the police found out who slashed your tyres yet?”

“Yes, they have. And I need to talk to you about it, it’s quite urgent actually. Can I come around now or later this afternoon?”

Rose was taken aback, she didn’t really want Serge around in case Miles returned to her flat and besides she and Miles still had quite some talking to do.

“Can you talk to me over the ‘phone?” she offered, but Serge almost immediately declined the offer, saying that he really wanted to speak to her in person.

“OK, come straight over,” Rose offered, “but I may need to go out in a couple of hours.”

“Will Miles be there?” asked Serge.

“No, he’s, um.. he’s with his family this afternoon.”

Rose got the feeling that he was disappointed Miles wouldn’t be present, it was all very curious.

“What about Lloyd, is he with you?”

“Yes, of course he is. Serge, what is this about, you’re starting to make me feel nervous!”

“No worries, I’ll be over in about…….30 minutes, ok?”

 She decided it was just going to be an extraordinary day and it was best just to roll with it. First the photographs, then Max, now a visit from Serge. Could it get any stranger?

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