The Only Exception

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AN: Ok now that the back story is known, i'm going to reveal my oc's theme song. The Only Exception by Paramore! The lyrics fit her perfectly, she doesn't trust love because of her father, but now she finds love and feels like she will finally trust love again. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

The missile was stopped by the team effort of the Justice League and Young Justice. Sierra was taken to the infirmary after they stopped the missile. The other members remain uninjured, but they are on edge because they don't know if Lex was planning anything else. J'onn is sitting by Sierra's side, talking to her through his thoughts, trying to wake her up. "Sierra, please wake up. I can't lose you too. I've already lost so much, you are so special to me." He thought to her. "J'onn?" He looked and saw her waking up. "Sierra! I was so worried. Are you ok?" He asked her as he hugged her. "Wow, you sure are clingy." She thought. "Sorry." He said as he let go of her. "I didn't say it was a bad thing." She smiled at him. He smiled back. "Yeah, I'm ok. It's just a lot to take in. My mom was the Queen of all of Mars? I can't believe it." Sierra sighed and stared at her necklace. "I remember when that happened. It was almost a year before my people were killed. I remember that your people were so different, but they could actually breath on Mars like we can. Your father was so much different from what I've seen. It's like he was a different man back then." He explained. "Well, now I can kind of understand why he was treating me like crap. I made him upset, I reminded him of his true love." Sierra said. "That's no excuse to treat you like crap. You are his daughter, you are an amazing, beautiful young lady who deserves way better than that. I'm glad they took you from him." J'onn blushed, finally getting his feelings off of his chest. "Don't hold back now, how do you really feel?" Sierra asked sarcastically. "Sierra, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked her. She smiled. "It's about time you asked. Heck yes!" She kissed him on the cheek, when Superman walked in. "Is I interrupting something?" He smirked as he saw Sierra kiss J'onn. "Well, it's about time." Flash ran in behind him. "No, I just woke up." She explained. "Are you ok?" Superman asked. "Yeah, I'm alright now." Sierra said. "Good, now I want to talk to you about the training." Superman sat down next to the bed with a pen and clipboard. "I'm going to go in there with Mr. Romeo here." Flash said as he followed J'onn into the main room. "OW NOT AGAIN WITH THE LASER!" Sierra laughed.

Hey readers! Sorry this one is so short, this chapter was really just to set up their relationship. I hope you liked it!

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