Chapter 2

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"I need you to help me with these files..." He said with a smile and I sighed and smiled
"Yes right!" I helped him with the files and was now sitting in his office just talking with him about the randomest stuff. He was so funny and nice! To bad he has a girlfriend.... And then that awkward question came up
"Hey... Y/N do you have a boyfriend?" He asked flat out tilting his head. I shook my head
"Sadly no... What about you?" I asked a little bit curious about the girl that ran out of the room
"Well... Not any more... She got mad at me for no reason..." He said blinking tiredly I looked at my watch.... Oh my gosh! It's 10 already... I didn't even realize it. I stood up smiling
"It's already 10 I should be going... Thank you for everything tony! I look forward to working with you!" I said smiling and grabbing all of my stuff he stood up grabbing his keys and a jacket

"I'll drive you" he said with a smile
"Oh no! You don't have to I will be fine!" I said shocked
"I want to" he said opening the door for me and we stepped out and into the elevator
"Thank you tony." I said looking up at him as he smiled
"No problem..." We walked out of the tower and into one of his cars, as he started the engine he looked over at me and smiled. We sat in silence as he drove me home I just stared out the window but he kept taking glances at me... It kinda made me feel uncomfortable. He stopped right infront of my apartment
"Thanks again tony." I said turning to look at him

"Any time.." He said not knowing what I was doing I planted a soft kiss on his cheek. I blushed and got out of the car quickly... Why did I do that?!? Now he's going to think I'm a slut....:( I got inside quickly and locked the door with a sigh... That night I couldn't fall asleep I was to busy thinking about how he would have reacted to the kiss.... When I started thinking about him I couldn't stop, I looked at the clock and saw it was 3 in the morning I sighed there's no point in trying to sleep now. I grabbed my coat, purse, and my keys and took a walk. I sat at a park bench looking at the beautiful sun set. A man ran past me and ran back looking at me.

"Y/n?" He asked tilting his head
"Um... Steve?" I asked looking at his face he smiled at me and I got up and hugged him
"It's been to long!" I said as he hugged me back
"It really has been... What have you been up to?" He asked pulling away
"I work at the stark tower right now... And yeah... What about you?" I asked with a smile.
"Well...I'm captain America.... So yeah... It's been great!" He said and we both laughed
"I better go get ready for work... I will see you around, maybe you can stop by the stark tower to see me..." I said with a smile
"Yeah I will... Oh y/n... I love the pjs!" He said with a smile and he started jogging away
"Thanks Steve...." I said rolling my eyes. I walked to the nearest coffee shop and bought a coffee to drink on my way home.

I walked into my house and threw on a pair of skinny black jeans and a cute black top (the picture or if you want something else pick) and I threw a pair of(shoes anything flats, high heels, combat boats, converse... Anything) on . I'm so nervous every about what he'll say today... Maybe I should try avoiding him... I put everything in my person, and grabbed my coffee. When the limo pulled up to my apartment I ran outside and Mr.Hogan opened the door for me.
"Thank you Mr. Hogan" I said sitting in the limo drinking my coffee. We arrived in no time! I got out and headed to my desk doing some of my work, I made some friends today... I looked at the clock and it is 6:00 I smiled and stood up walking out of the building when I saw Steve. I looked at him and tilted my head
"Hey Steve..." I waved and he walked to where I was standing
"Hey y/n... I was just about to come see you!" He said looking up at the building.I smiled

"I'm done with work now... Want to go get a bite to eat?" I asked when his phone rang
"Hold on I have to take this" he said walking away answering the phone. I waited patiently and he came back
"Umm... Yeah let's go!" He said as we walked to the same coffee shop where I got my coffee this morning. I smiled
"Hey Steve... What do you think about tony stark?" I asked him as we sat down
"Why..." He asked confused
"Because..." I said looking away from him
"Aww... Do you like him?!" Steve mocked
"What?! No..." I said rolling my eyes blushing slightly
"Yes you do! Y/n and tony... Aww that's so cute!" He cheered
"What about you... Do you have a girlfriend or a crush?" I asked trying to get at least a word out of him.
"Noo..." He said looking at his vibrating phone I looked at the name... It was (KC... Good that's the name... It stays..) he blushed and I grabbed his phone

/slanted is text/ |regular is thinking actions and talking, but talking is surrounded by "|

KC~ hi there capn! What are you up to?

"Aw you like KC... I love KC, that's bestfriend....That's too cute! I'm texting her!" I said texting KC back

Steve(y/n)~ hi KC...I'm not really doing anything you wanna hang out later? Maybe watch a movie?

"Y/n give me my phone back...." Steve said embarrassed
"I will... Umm... Tell tony about how you think he's cute and... How you want to date him!" He said thinking of threats
"no you won't" I said looking up from the phone
"No I won't...." He agreed with me

KC~ that sounds fun can't wait! I'll see you at 8!

Steve(y/n)~ okay see you then!

"I already did it! You meet KC at 8!" I said very proud of myself
"You didn't...." He asked taking the phone from me
"I did." I said happily he stood up and hugged me
"What will I do?! Oh my gosh... I'm so nervous...I have to go... I will put a good word in for you when I talk to tony" He said running out of the coffee shop. Wait what?! He won't... Will he?! Gosh darn it Steve.... I sighed and thought about my new boss....

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