
"Of course I am, having you and Agent Rodriguez on a team. We can find that son of a bitch in no time." She looked over at me her eyes passing the impression of friendly but if you cross a line we will fight.

" Hello. My name Elena" She said in Spanish.

" Hi my name is Angelina, call me Angel," I said back in the same language.

"You speak Spanish?" She asked. I nodded my head, my grey eyes looking into her dark pools of brown

"With your eye color, you could be mistaken for a white." She said tilting her head.

"I get that a lot."

"Why are you here?" I smiled.

" He said he liked my eyes. But he wanted me here because I knew that people we are chasing. They use to roll with my sister, my only family till she was killed back in L.A by their whole plan. So now I'm here."

"I see he has a way with the lady's Eyes, Smile next is going to be the eyebrow." we both cracked a smile shaking hands.


"Partners," She said letting go when one of the men came down.

" I have good news and bad news." I think his name is Mac. He was German but born in America.

"You know I like my dessert first." both Elena and I cocked our heads to the side.

"He is weird," I told Elena she nodded.

" I check the rail line as you asked and I found a couple of spots where they unloaded the cars. I also found a couple of tracks heading west till they hit the main highway and another set of tracks heading east. 107-point wheelbase and a slim trail of tracks."

"That's the GT40," I said both men nodding.

"Follow the trail for a couple of miles pretty easy on the scrub, and boom out of sight."

" Give me the veggies?" Hobbs said.

"The ground is going to be hard to track and we lost that too."

" Not necessarily that road hit through the hills into the vales. A couple of years ago it was washed out by a storm so the dirt was for miles. You can get it from there and if they headed that way we can pick them up from there." I'm impressed she knows her way around.

" Come prepared," Hobbs said about to give a smirk.

"I'm motivated." I smiled. I slapped my hand against Hobbs's Chest.

" I like her," I said walking over to the boys.

"Alright let me see my car. I was patient for a day." I rolled my eyes as I had the boys get me a fast-racing car just in case someone tried to leave.

I walked over to the car popping the hood. Looking around the engine she a beautiful sleek American Muscle Charger.

" You still boosting cars," Hobbs said from behind.

"Can't take away what your life somewhat was," I said reaching for the wrench.

" We are going to head to the hills tomorrow as soon as the sun hits the horizon I want you to ride with me in the car."

" Why are you not telling your team?" I asked. Successfully ripping off what I was reaching for.

" I had a feeling you are about to leave," Hobbs said

" Aww, you care about me that much Agent Hobbs?" I said smirking at my comment

" Just remember tomorrow. Sunrise. Sharp. We are going to have to work out tomorrow." I smiled now closing the hood of the car. Only to turn around to see he was right behind me. His scent wrapped around me making me light on my feet.

His arms were put on both sides of my body. His deep brown eyes looked into my grey ones.

" If I didn't know any better Agent Hobbs I'm thinking you're very concerned over me," I said putting my hand on his pecs. He looked down at my hand. His dog tag hung loosely from his neck. Oh, this should be fun. Taking the dog tags I looked him straight in the eyes while I skimmed my hand across his flesh. Into his shirt, I saw goose bumps go all over a slight shiver. Smiling in success.

"Goodnight Agent Hobbs," I said putting my hand over his leaving a gift inside. I hopped into the black charger. Turning it on. The sweet engine came to life as I quickly pulled off.

Driving past Elena I asked if she needed a lift and she hopped in on my way out. I looked in the rearview mirror seeing Hobbs smiling widely holding up the tracking chip. I smirk before I pulled out I pulled the emergency brakes doing a burnout, leaving a cloud of dust.

" You are Childish" Elena Smiled.

" If I wasn't then nothing will be fun" I spoke, Elena laughed but soon it was silent in the car as I drove to the city of Rio.

"He likes you," Elena said breaking the silence.

" I know, but our work won't let us be together anyways. " I said sighing.

" I don't think he cares," Elena said.

" I know he doesn't that's what makes it fun," I said smirking at her.

"Don't play with fire..." I rolled my eyes. Thinking about it Agent L. Hobbs hunts down people like it's a game. Who says he will take a relationship like a game?

"or you will get burned," I said leading in her direction. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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