Chapter Twenty-One

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Taylor POV

I pulled away slowly, a smile crept on my lips. I opened my eyes. Niall was smiling too.

“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that.” I told him. He laughed a little then frowned after looking at my head.

“We should get that cleaned up.” He said.

“It’s alright. Now we need to find the others.” Right after I said that, I heard Alana call my name. We both got up and walked toward the voice. We went around the building and found everyone gathered around each other. Everyone looked pretty beaten up from the explosion.

“There you guys are…” Alana trailed off at the end after looking at our intertwined hands. She gave me a look and I nodded. She jumped up and down and ran to hug me. Everyone looked confused and I just smiled. In the distance, there were police sirens.

“We should get out of here.” My father said.

“Yeah, the car is parked around the corner.” I told him.

“No need to get the car. Just hold on.” He took out his watch from his pocket.

“How did you get it back?!” I exclaimed.

“I grabbed it before we ran out. Now shush.” He pressed a button. “Call Head Quarters.” In a matter of  seconds the face of Agent Reid popped up.

“Agent Wakely? You’re alive!” He seemed shocked.

“Yes I am. Henry had taken me away. Now I am with One Direction, Alana Jones, Taylor, and Jason Gray. We need to get back to HQ fast.”

“Right on it.” My father told him our coordinates and in one minute a helicopter appeared flying toward us.

“Woah, is that for us?” Louis asked?

“Yes it is.” My dad asked. The helicopter landed right in front of us. The door opened and Agent Stokes opened the door. We all proceeded in the vehicle. The ride to Headquarters was silent. It didn’t last very long though.

We finally landed in the field of Headquarters. We all got out and followed my dad inside. When you step inside there is a row of elevators. We went to the one right in front of us. We all piled in and my dad pressed the button for level 20.

The elevator dinged and we exited. We entered a hallway and turned left. It led to a big room. There was a platform in the middle with a big man standing on it and computers lined against the walls. There were two doors on each side. The man standing on the platform noticed us and smiled.

“Agent Wakely, I am so glad to see you all! I have heard what you guys have done and I am very proud. Let me introduce myself, I am Agent Key, Rick Key’s younger brother and the person who sent you on this mission.” I gasped.

“Wait, you mean to tell me that you set this whole thing up?” I asked him.

“Yes I did and you passed.”

“We could’ve died!”I exclaimed.

“Well, to become an agent you have to put your life at risk. I figured Henry would do everything that he did and you kids did a very good job. Taylor and Jason I think it is time you two became new recruits.” My eyes went wide.

“Are you serious?” Jason asked.

“Yes I am.” I squealed. This was what I’ve always wanted in my entire life. The left door opened and Jack entered with badges. He handed one to Jason and one to me. It said Agent Wakely. On the front and on the back it read, “Official Agent of the SSS.” I smiled widely.

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