Chapter 5

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"Your aware of what must be done?" "Fret not, I am aware of my duties and it has already been carried out." I furrowed my eyebrows.. what had to be done? What was the elder talking about. "Good a child from such strong shinobi will indeed prove to be a great asset to the clan" I froze and my eyes slowly made their way down to my stomach.. it all made sense. I was pregnant.. I felt sick at the sound of Madara's words.. that it was 'his duty'... was it all because he was simply following orders? Had the past few months been a lie? My emotions took over and I rushed to our chambers and shoved my belongings into a bag. I slung it over my shoulder and left through the window. Almost at the entrance to the Uchiha compound.. I quickened my pace but before I could leave "Tsuki!" Drat.. I faced the younger Uchiha brother. "Where are you off too?" He eyed my bag. I turned trying to conceal it from his gaze "Oh just .." shit think of something.. "just off to the hotsprings" "Oh well I'll accompany you" He beamed and began walking out of the compound towards Konoha. great -.- "Not to be rude Izuna.. but I was catching up with some girl friends and -" "Why didn't you say so.. I'll leave you too it" His brilliant smile never faultered as he returned to the compound. I stood there in utter disbelief at how easy that was. I finally came to my senses, looked around to ensure I wasn't being followed and left. I stopped on top of the mountain to glimpse Konoha one last time.. guilt arose in the pit of my stomach at letting my clan down but I couldn't do it anymore.. I felt sick, real sick.. no wait its- I bolted to the nearest bush. I reached up a pale, shaky hand and wiped my mouth clean and gargled some water. It was at that stage it hit me.. where was I to go? I had a baby now and I needed to keep it protected and warm.. My mind raced to find somewhere secluded where neither clan would find me.. maybe I should move from place to place to ensure I wasn't caught.. I'll start with Amegakure. I smiled happily at my new life before turning my back on Konoha, Madara and my clan. 

I finally made it to Amegakure, no doubt word had spread of my escape already. I nervously glanced around at the villagers but no one seemed to notice my existance so I scurried through the crowds and over to a local inn. I fell back on the soft bed allowing the events of today to sink in. A tingly sense of joy filled my body and I ran myself a warm bath to relax in. I remained unnoticed in Amegakure for a week and, not wanting to push my luck, I left. I stood in the forest deciding where to go.. Sunagakure? I nodded at the idea but before I had a chance to even start my journey I felt a strong presence.. shit I've been caught.

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