7. Hi Harr...

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Hey peopleeeee ! I know it hasn't been to long sence I updated, But I need to write more, Soo This chapters gunno be long (:

Tori's P.O.V.

Oh my gosh, I am dating Harry Flapping Styles. I also Kissed Harry flapping Styles.

We run back to the car without being noticed. Harry opens the door for me. I smile at him.

We drive back home, Stealing glances at eachother every now and then. This is like the best night ever. Tyler, Has never been this sweet to me.


I walk downstairs still in my pajamas. Not even looking around me, I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning sweetheart!!" Someone says.. My dad. I look up and smile.

"Dad!" I exclaim. Huggiing him. " I missed you!" I let go. He smiles, Then it dissapears.

"What?" I ask, worried.

"I am only home for 2 days and I am going to be gone most of the time."

"Oh." I look down. I look back up." Let's just enjoy the time we have together!"

Before he can respond my phone beeps.

From: Hazza <3

Hey! Can I come over today and hangout ?

I smile. " Will I get to meet this Harry?" I notice his head is over my shoulder looking at my phone. I push him away.

"Well, He is coming over today?" I say.

"I am leaving soon..." He sighs.

"Well, Maybe sometime!"

To: Hazza

Yeah! Come at like 12 ish ?

H: Okay! See you then xxx

"Oh so now he is putting kisses ?" My dad wiggles his eyebrows.

" He's my boyfriend!" Man I sound like a brat... My dad makes and 'AWEEE' Face.

After my dad leaves I hear a knock at the door. I run to it.

" Hey Harr- Tyler ?" I ask.

"Harry ? Are you cheating on me ? You haven't answered my texts or calls..." He trails off angry.

"No, But I am pretty sure I wasn't the one making out with someone behind abercrombie!"

His face droops.

"Well, We never broke up! It doesn't matter anyway I am with you, Not her I just.. Thought she was you ?" He says making it more of a question.

"Well, Now we have broke up.You didn't think it was me! Just go away!" I shout.

"We are not breaking up! YOU CAN'T BREAK UP WITH ME!" He raises his hand about to hit me. I close my eyes and wait for the impact, But it never comes.

I open my eyes and see Harry with Tyler on the ground.

"Don't ever lay a hand on her!" Harry says. "Now go away." Tyler scrambles away.

His mad expression becomes worried. I hug him tightly.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I nod into his chest.

"Thank you." I squeak.

"Your welcome, Now are we gonna waste our time out here or go inside and watch a movie." He says in his adorable british accent.

I laugh and let go. "Let's just not put on a scary movie.." He says reffering to the movies. I punch him playfully.

I try to turn on my telivision, but it doesn't work. I try again.

"How about we go to my house and you can meet the boys?" He asks laughing at my attempts to make it work.

I hmmph.

"Fineee..." I agree

OKay i could'nt make it long bye


Hannah xxxx

I hate Harry Styles! *COMPLETED*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें