Raven and I left to go to a bookstore. The good part? We both love to read. She likes the classics with suspense, and I like action and adventure. We were on separate isles when I came with an idea. Nothing amazing or anything. Just a little kiss and maybe the books falling off and the loser clerk having to clean it up. I took the books I picked out and placed them by the register and asked the guy, loser clerk, to hold them. Raven was engrossed in a book so it would be easy to surprise her. I quickly turned her around and kissed her. She was surprised but responded well, yet the whole shelf of books collapsed. Goal accomplished.

"What's wrong with you peop-?" Though the clerk did not look very happy, he stopped short when he saw Raven. When only one person in the world has naturally purple eyes and hair, it's not that hard to guess.

"Are you Raven of the Teen Titans?" I actually wonder myself how Raven will react.

"Yes, I am. I am really sorry. Let me help you; it will only take a moment." She used her powers to put all the books back on the shelf, except the ones she wanted to buy, then gave a small smile. Dang it. Mission failed. We walked up to the register, and the guy held out a Teen Titans poster.

"Co- could you sign this for me, please?" He was so nervous that it cracked me up, but I held it in. She took a Sharpie from the counter and signed it.

"Thank you so much. You are really one lucky dude!" He had no idea how right that statement was.

"You're right I am. Thank you for your service, Joe. We'll be back soon." We smiled at him as we left the store, and he beamed at us. I was proud at how Raven acted back there

"You were great back there. I was really proud of you."

"Then, I have accomplished one of my goals for today." She smiled genuinely as we got into the car.

"So, where are we going now?"

"I was thinking that we could go home, and you would make grilled cheese sandwiches. What do you think?" She looked at me... bashfully? Woah. I kept getting amazed.

"I would love to, Raven."

"First though, I need to use the bathroom... now." I drove to a shopping outlet and let her off where it said bathroom. I saw Jump Jewelry again and decided to give another visit.

I saw so many beautiful things, but I had two things in mind - a promise ring now and an engagement ring later. I remembered the beautiful sapphire necklace and thought I should give her a sapphire promise ring as well. I found a small one with a sapphire heart in the middle with diamonds surrounding it. Perfect, right? What's even better is that my birthday is in September, so it has another special meaning to it as well. Several cases down, I found a ring with a raven on it, and in the middle was a large diamond. This must be fate! I have to buy it. I walked up to the counter ready to buy my rings. He brought them up to the register with knowing look on his face.

"When I saw this ring, I thought of you, hoping that you would be back. I saw that you came back, and loved the ring. You must still have a thing for Raven." This blew my mind.

"Actually, Robert, I am dating Raven, and I have to get back before she finishes in the bathroom. Thank you." I paid for the rings and left. I went back to the car and parked by the restrooms. Raven came back about fifteen minutes later. I hope I don't have to be stuck with that the rest of my life.

"What took you so long?"

"Sorry, my stomach was hurting." Now, I feel bad for the past thoughts. "Let's go home."

When we parked in the garage, Raven ran to the elevator and must have teleported. I wonder what the rush is all about? I decided to use the stairs to keep myself in shape since Raven left me behind. After a nice workout up the stairs, I finally made it into the apartment. I smelled something delicious and chocolaty.

"Mmm! What is that delicious smell?"

"You'll find out after you make the grilled cheese sandwiches. " She smiled seductively and went into my bedroom. I decided to make my best grilled cheese sandwich and put some ham into it to make it even better. I finished and headed into my bedroom.

"Woah." What I saw shocked me and turned me hard in seconds. She had made a picnic on the bed with hot chocolate in personal mugs that she had customized with our names on them and dark chocolate raspberry brownies on a fleece blanket on the bed. Next to it was a naked Raven staring at me. I was speechless.

"I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful day. I hope you like my surprise. Shall we eat?" How was I suppose to eat when the most beautiful woman in the world was naked before my eyes. She laughed.

"Let me help you." Somehow, I was able to eat everything and drink my hot chocolate without losing control.

"Now, it's my turn to say thank you." I stripped all the picnic things from the bed and got undressed. I came over to her softly and began to kiss her. It became very heated, and we made love on the bed. The shower was a must afterwards, and I just couldn't control myself. We finally clothed ourselves, and she turned with something to say.

"Thank you so much for such an amazing evening. I have never experienced something so incredible and have never felt so strongly about someone. I said that I would tell you my decision tonight so I will now. I have decided to go back... but not without you. I want you to come join us, but to keep your penthouse that we may also stay here at times. I know you would have to give up being Red X, but I know you are greater than being just a thief. I love you, Jason." TR hat had to be the longest thing she has ever said in her life. If there is anything that would make me remotely emotional, it would be that. It only took me seconds to make my decision.

"You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me, and I would willing give up my suit to be yours. I love you too, Raven."

"I have a plan to get you out of Red X, me back safely, and you in the group."

I smiled. "I can't wait to hear it."

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