Day eight (The Questions)

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I followed them silently with just one question in my head which I had to ask, "so!! Ahmad inspired the play, how??" I asked as Mr Edison replied "well some days back we were having an argument and he said some feeling are best hidden, and so I wanted to make him watch this play so I could teach him that feelings are better let out!!" he explained and I laughed, I kinda agreed with Ahmad though, they are better left hidden, but thanks to the play I kind felt Ahmad's pain, I mean he feel for me first later to watch his brother love me and now knowing he had no chance, it was kinda painful "Elena please take her to the crew!! Please excuse me!!" Mr Edison said as he now walked a different direction and I followed his wife, "I mean why does he think feelings are left hidden!!" she asked me and I replied " I have no idea but I guess it complicated" I replied and she nodded, "did you really enjoy the movie??" she asked and she seemed friendly, confirming the saying, don't judge a book by its cover and I nodded "I really loved it!", "weirdly me too, I didn't even know jack was planning all this!!" she said I guess trying to entertain me, and I smiled "well I never believed Ahmad could inspire all this!!" I said and she smiled, "right!! But he seems quite romantic though!!" she said and I asked "Who??" not sure we were talking about the same thing, and she replied "Mr. Mukhtar of cause, I mean he events so many poetic saying, really nice romantic ones that my husband tells me, I think he is my husband's role model!!" she said and I laughed at the thought, "really??" I asked and she nodded, "well!! I guess I would never know, cause I am sure he would also only use that on his wife" I explained kinda to myself, I mean I really would never know cause I would his brother anyway, and she smiled as the long walk now ended and we both walked into a room, where all the actors were, "hey!!" she said to all of them, "really nice out there!! We are so proud" she said and they smiled at her praise, "well this is a friend of mine who was also impressed, she just came to say hi" she said as she now pushed me forwards and introduced me to everyone of them, I stayed there and listened as the crew played and teased around, before Mrs Edison and I left for the restaurant, on our way to the restaurant she also excused herself them showed me the direction before leaving, I walked towards the restaurant and just as I was about to enter I heard Jidda ask "seriously?? How did you expect to me a person you saw in a party of like a thousand worker" she asked I guess Ahmad as he replied "well!! I honestly didn't expect to meet her again, but I had faith in Allah and with him everything is possible" he replied as I smiled, "so right now are you trying to make her love you or what" she asked as I thought, 'o! jidda' but kept quiet and listened, "wow!! I feel like am being interrogated here" he said and she replied "yes you are!!...answer the question!!" and he replied "its hard not to try, and am trying not to" he said and I felt quite sad, I mean touched kinda but nothing was going to change my mind, "let me get this straight you prayed to meet someone, you finally do and get the opportunity to make them fall for you and you just want to give up??" she said and I didn't get what she was trying to do I mean does she want him to force me or what?... "I have already given up!!" he replied and she said "won't fight for what you want!!" she said and at that moment I felt like punching her, and he laughed "fight!!" he said "I believe in Qadr, Whatever is destined to be would be" he replied, and I guess she didn't get it as she now said "yeah!! But do you love still love her??" and the answer to that question I didn't want to know and he seemed not to even want to answer the question as he replied "enough already!!" as I now walked in, "are we leaving now?" I asked not wanting to think about what I heard and he asked "won't you at least like to eat something??" he said and I didn't feel like as I said, "no!! let's just go!!" I said as they both got up, and immediately they did Mr. and Mrs. Edison came in "you are leaving" Mr Edison said and Ahmad nodded, "what I thought we were having lunch together?" Mr. Edison asked and Ahmad "am sorry!! I have an unexpected matter to attend to, maybe some other time!!" Ahmad kind lied making it look as though he was the reason we couldn't stay and not me, Mr. Edison smiled and nodded "Its!! Thank you for coming!!" Mr Edison said to us as he escorted us to the car, and waved us good bye as Ahmad drove off, "did you really enjoy the play??" he asked and Jidda replied "yeah!! I am sure Fatima did more cause she love poetry!!" she said but I didn't say a word, I felt kinda disturbed by the whole thing, I mean was I being wicked by choosing Ibrahim, I felt like I had to explain to Ahmad, the car remained silent as Ahmad now took us home and parked at the gate, "thanks Jidda" said as she got off the car and just as I was about to leave Ahmad called me "Fatimah!!" he said as I turned "what's wrong???" he asked with concern all over his voice, "nothing, just that the play was quite touching" I said and he asked "really? is that it??" he asked in disbelieve and I nodded and was about to go out of the car when I refused then turned and said "I am really sorry!!" I said as he now stared at me and asked "for what??", "I really know how it feels to love someone and see the person love another, especially now that I am going to call Ibrhaim's name tomorrow!! I am so sorry!!" I said as I now felt really bad and my eyes began to water, he laughed then replied, "I never expected to choose me!!" he said and It made me feel worse, "that's worse" I said and he laughed, "What I mean is, if Ibrahim makes you happy, then that's all, all I want is to see you happy!!" he said and that kinda sweet, I mean really? And I smiled as tears fell from my eyes, "so!! I would see you at the wedding when I come to give you and your husband gifts!!" he said and I laughed, it was obvious he said that to loosen the tension, and I also did the same "well my regards to everyone!!" I said and he nodded, "and I heard about dad and sorry??" I said and he said "sorry for what??" he asked and it was as though he didn't know his own father was dying, "I mean his illness and what the doctor said" I said and he smiled then said "khulu nafsin zaa ikatul maut" (every soul shall taste death) and I now looked at him, "is that all you are going to say??" I asked and he said "honestly??" he asked and I nodded, "I don't believe what the doctor says!!...I mean I believe in Qadr and only Allah knows when he is going to die, and if he is destined to die then, all I could say is I pray he dies when his deeds are good enough!!" he said and I smiled, honestly I was impressed by his statement, I mean the two Mukhtar brothers had and Islamic way of thinking and that was good, they both had different ways of viewing the whole thing and that was really good, I smiled and he was right, he spoke with so much love for his father and as much as he could tried to hide it, I could tell he was hurt by thought of his father's death, "wow!!" I said, "well, see you at the wedding, I guess" I said and he nodded as I left the car and now into the house I felt much relieved after apologizing and his reply was exactly what I needed, I mean now I felt a little better about choosing Ibrahim which I was still going to do.
I went into the house and up to my room where Ruqayyah and Jidda seemed to be discussing and immediately I entered they kept quiet, I stared at them then said "what are we talking about" I asked as Jidda now replied "who are you going to choose??" she asked as I replied with no hesitation "Ibrahim of cause!!" I said and Jidda said "honestly, I think you should choose Ahmad" she said and it was strange, I thought she like him, "you guys are cute together!!" she said and I laughed "well we are cuter with Ibrahim" I said, I mean nothing was going to change my mind, "you and Ahmad are like Ruqayyah and faisal, the way you joke around tease each other and stuff!!" she said and "when did we tease each other??" I asked as she replied "in the car!!", "maybe you are right but it doesn't matter" I said, and to be honest I had always something like Ruqayyah and faisal did, I mean their love, "it's his fault, why did he refuse an arranged marriage in the first place" I said trying to give reasons for my action, and Ruqayyah now shook her head, "well he didn't" she said as she now explained "Ahmad obeys his father all the time, he does everything his father asks him to, and so when the father realized Ahmad was in love and looking for someone, he choose not to tell Ahmad about the arranged marriage cause he knew Ahmad would leave everything and do whatever his father asks him, it's not Ahmad's fault, his father wanted Ahmad to have a say in his life for once" she explained and honestly it didn't make any difference, "I am sorry sis, but nothing can change my mind...Ibrahim is equally a nice person" I said as a call from Ibrahim now came in, "can I please be excused, Ibrahim is calling" I said and she nodded, "but after you are done, pray come lets arrange the cloths bought for you to take to your husband's house" she said again now reminding of what marriage was, and how I would have to leave everything and go leave with whoever I marry I spoke to Ibrahim and this time around the call was better, he apologized for being paranoid and we spoke happily without even thinking about Ahmad, the rest of the day ended as we now parked up my bags ready for my departure to my new home.

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