Day eight(The play)

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My alarm didn't have to wake me up today, cause I seemed to have been having a hard time sleeping considering the days getting really close to my wedding, I still had the feeling that I wasn't ready and a bit nervous, I did my normal morning deeds, before going down to eat breakfast and greet my aunts. As we sat all together eating breakfast, as the table remained silent with every trying to maintain their table manners, I watched as Aunt camila stopped eating now started to stare at me, making me feel a bit uncomfortable, until she said "so!! Who are you going??" she ask as I replied "Ibrahim!!" and she smiled, then "o.k why Ibrahim!!" she asked, and weirdly I didn't know why, 'I mean I guess cause I love him right??' I asked myself as I replied "I guess cause I was supposed to marry him firs!!" I said and she smiled "is that really why??" Aunt Mahra asked and I obviously couldn't say I love him to my grown up aunts it felt like somehow, "Aunt who do you want me to choose??" I asked her and she smiled then said "I really don't know, I have only met Ibrahim and I like Ibrahim, his respectful!!" she said and I smiled "yes!! He is" I said quite happy she liked Ibrahim, "but Ahmad is better" Ruqayyah said all of a sudden and I unconsciously gave her an angry, I mean why would she say that.... "really the guy who after his brother's engagement decided he wants to be the groom!!" Jamila said and I felt a little bit upset by her statement, I mean it was definitely not like that, it was Ahmad's fault, he really wasn't the bad guy, "no!!! Ahmad has nothing to do with that!!" I said defending my brother in law to be I guess, and Ruqayyah smiled then said "yes!! There is a very logical explanation to the whole, and it was Ahmad that decided it was their don't say what you don't know!!" Ruqayyah said shuting Jamila up, After Jamila's statement I felt like discussing this whole thing at the moment was wrong, and so I picked up my plate and went to the kitchen to wash it, after I washed my plates I went back upstairs to get some space, and think a little, immediately I went to my room, I found my phone ringing and I quickly picked it up, it was Ibrahim, I had now gotten used to his morning calls, "asallamu alaikum" I said as he replied "wa'alaiki sallam habibty!!" and I blushed, "hmm!! So how you!!" I asked and he replied "alhmadulilah!! Ahmad is coming today again??" he asked and ever since the whole confusion started we had never had any discussion without Ahmad's name in it... I sighed then said, "Can we talk about something else!!" I said, and he replied "I am so sorry, it's hard not to think about it, I mean I am afraid you might choose him!!" he said and I kinda understood, I mean it was also great knowing loved me that much to be jealous of his own brother, I laughed, then said "whatever is destined to happen would happen" I said and I know that kinda didn't assure him of anything but it was just true, and the only thing that came to my mind at that moment, "yeah!! So how is dad!!" I said again after he remained silent, "and he replied "his fine alhamdulilah!" and at that moment I just felt like everything became awkward and I needed to end the call, "well thanks for calling, my regards to everyone" I said and he replied "insha Allah" as I hung up the call.
After the call I laid on my bed to rest for a while and just as I was about to start sleeping, I heard a sallam "asallamu alailkum" Jidda and her friend said as I reluctantly rose my head, "wa'alaikum asallam" I replied as they now both sat on my bed, I stared at the girl Jidda came in with trying to recall how I know her, then it click we attended the same university, "maryam!! Is this you" I said now looking at how much he had changed, she smiled then nodded "long time right!!" she said as I now sat up "indeed" I replied, "I heard you were getting married soon and so I said to come and greet the bride!!" she said and I smiled, "that's so thoughtful of you" I said as I now got up to get her something to drink, then she said "I am actually leaving right, just said to branch by" she said and I smiled, as she now stood up, "thanks so much!!" I said as I quickly put on a hijab and escorted her, then collected her number, "in sha Allah I would attend the wedding" she said and just as I was about to reply her a call came in, I looked at the caller I.D, It was Ahmad, I decided to reject the call and call him when I was back at the house, Jidda and I escorted maryam to the car and after that we went back into the car. "aw!! I haven't seen her for a long time!!" I said to Jidda and she nodded, "likewise also, but we communicate on the phone though!!" she said and that reminded me of the call I had rejected, "that reminds me!! someone called me but I rejected" I said to her, as I now picked up my phone and dialed his number, "who??" she asked but immediately she did, Ahmad had already picked the call, "asallamu alaikum" I said and he replied, "wa'alaiki sallam!!... "I am so sorry I rejected your call, I was with" I said before he interrupted me, then replied "it's very okey!! I understand, the reason I was is cause I want to ask your permission to make today's 1 and a half hours, maybe two or more??" he said and I laughed, "you really called to ask me that??" I asked and he replied "yeah!! But if its too long I understand!!" he said and I smiled, "no!! its actually not" I replied, "thanks, and also to ask if Jidda could make it too??"he asked and I smiled, he always got away of bringing Jidda into the picture, I smiled got lost in my thought that I didn't reply, "but its alright if she is busy!!" he said changing my trail of thoughts as I now looked at she, "she better not be!!" I said then again "she isn't"... "well alright would pick you up after zuhur" he said and I replied "alright" as he hung up the call, "hm!! This smile, it has got to be Ibrahim right??" she asked and I shook my head, "Ahmad actually, I told you about the whole an hour and a half thingie right??" I asked and she nodded, "well, he wants you to come along" I said and she shook "no!! way!!..." she shouted, "why not??" I asked and she replied "why??" she asked and I shook my head, "I don't know maybe he likes you!!" I said and she replied "I doubt that!!"... "but you are coming right??" I asked and she replied "let me go ask mum!!" she said and I smiled and nodded as she left my room...
After she left the room, I got dressed, recited the holy Qur'an until it was time for zuhur prayer and I prayed, after I prayed I waited for Ahmad's call and jidda's arrival, some minutes later Ahmad called but Jidda wasn't yet back from requesting for permission, I tried her line but it was unreachable, and so I decided to go without her, I went downstairs and informed my aunts that I was leaving, then left the house and now walked towards the car, just as I was about to get into the car, I heard Jidda call me and I turned, I sighed, as she now talked towards me, "finally what took you so long!!" I asked and she smiled then said "isn't that obvious" she said now pointing at her face and I noticed what she was talking about, I laughed, then said "let's go!!" as we not got into the car, "asallamu alaikum" we both said as we got into the car and he replied "wa'alaikumu sallam, Jidda how are you" he asked and she smiled then nodded "fine alhamdulilah" as he now began driving, "so!! Where are we going" I asked and he smiled, "well actually a friend mine is making a play, and so he wants to rehearse to me and no want I think, but I am not good and poetry and see I have you guys here, you would be the judges" he said and I smiled "what make you think we are good at poetry!!" I said and then he asked, "have you watched Romeo and Juliet??" he asked and I nodded, "did you like it??" he asked and I nodded again as he said "then you would be alright!!", "wait!! You didn't like Romeo and Juliet??" I asked and he smiled, "well!! I did but" he said as I quickly interrupted, "you see you don't need us" I said and he laughed, "still you guys are more emotional than I am!!" he said as I teased, "after beating you in a car race and being the better car racer than you, you think I am more emotional!!!" I said and he laughed, "yeah!! You beat me alright!! Then hit your head later on so technically, I am better" he said, and I laughed, and now realized Jidda was silent for a while observing our argument, "jidda!! You support me don't you!" I said trying to bring her into the discussion and she smiled, "no!! I support Ahmad" she said as Ahmad now started to laugh, "thank you Jidda!!" and I frowned "betrayed by my own friend!!" I said and she laughed, "well anyway fatima you should know the friend I am talking about Mr. Edison!!" he said and now all I could recall is the man with the woman in bikini moving around his house and I nodded, "are we going to his house??" I asked and he gave me a side look then shook his head immediately "Astagfirullah no!!" he said and kinda out reflex and I laughed. The car remained silent until he parked in front of a place which kinda looked like a stadium, we all got off from the car and Jidda and I followed him, immediately we entered it seemed like an aquarium, the light were blue, and a show glass of fished at every side, Jidda and I stared hopelessly but Ahmad kept on moving and we followed him now to hall like cinema, immediately we entered Mr. Edison walked towards us and welcomed us, "glad you could make it" he said to Ibrahim, then turned his gaze to me, "you are ibrahim's fiancé right??" he asked as I now stared at Ahmad who nodded and replied "yes she is!! And this is her friend Jidda!!"Ahmad said as Mr. Edison now said, "you are all welcome, please sit the play is about to begin!!" as he lead us to a spot up front and we sat down, the place was empty and I figured it was cause he hadn't yet gone public with the play, Mr Edison sat by Ahmad's left while I sat by his right and Jidda beside me, just as the movie was about to start, the woman's who's face I seemed to remember so well, (the bikini woman) walked in and Mr. Edison introduced her, "this is my wife Elena!!" he said as we exchanged our greeting, "so she is his wife!!' I whispered to myself, but I guess Ahmad heard me as he gave me a side look and smiled, the play started and we all watched attentively, the play was quite interesting and it was as though Ahmad knew I love poetry, I love the way poetic words were said with passion, the play was like Romeo and Juliet, but kinda like the pimped us version, where they used saying like "with thunder and rain I hide the pain, the pain I feel due to the love, the love now as meek as a dove, the love I want no one to know of"...words like "thou" and so on wasn't used, they used normal English word poetically, and I was impressed, the movie was name "Julian and Romina" this case they weren't star crossed lovers but lovers who were afraid to express their feeling to each other and at the end they didn't die dew to their families enmity but their own ignorance, Romina poisoned herself to get Julian's attention and stop him from marrying someone else but when he found her dead he blamed himself for not expressing his love and killed himself. It was kinda weird but I loved it, the actors gave it their best and made even I feel what the characters seemed to feel.
As the curtain closed we all started to clap and honestly I was really impressed, "what did you think??" Mr. Edison asked all of us as I quickly replied "brilliant!!" and he smiled, as Ahmad nodded, "I am really glad you liked it!!" he said now staring at Ahmad, "you know Mr. Mukthar here actually gave me the idea and some of the words were his!!" he said as Jidda and I now stared at Ahmad who was now smiling, It was weird and all I could think of was how Ahmad gave him the idea of a movie which had to do with two people hiding their emotions and killing themselves, I mean lol, "well!! I really like the character and the way the actors put it in place" I said as he smiled, "well I would like you back stage to meet the actors if you would like!!" he said and I smiled and nodded "well I would wait for you at the restaurant!!" Ahmad said and Jidda replied "me too!!" as she followed Ahmad out of the hall and I followed Mr. Edison and his wife,.

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