Broken Promises

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“Court, wake up, Court!” Someone was shaking me gently. I took a deep breath then opened my eyes. My eyes and cheeks were crusted with dry tears. Justin was there in a shirt and jeans already dressed. I got up and got dressed in some jeans and a shirt, not even caring that Justin was still in the room. I set his clothes on the bed before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Justin came in to brush his teeth too. He started goofing off with it making me smile and laugh almost choking on the toothpaste.

“You could’ve killed me!” I slapped him lightly. He laughed.

“At least you would’ve died happy.” He gave me a sheepish grin. I rolled my eyes going out of the bathroom with him trailing behind. Selena was waiting for us, eagerly. I smiled at her. She got up, smiled at me and then left for Justin’s car. I giggled at her. One of Justin’s songs came on and Selena and I sang at the top of our lungs. He just laughed it off. We got to the hospital in good spirits, ready to lift Vi’s. Going up the elevator, I got a feeling that didn’t seem right. I guess I would feel better once we got to Vi’s room. After what seemed like three years the elevator dinged and the doors opened. We walked down the hall to see people running into Vi’s room. I started to panic, What’s going on? I ran the rest of the way. I got into the room and saw her lying there, not moving. The heart monitor was flat lining. I rushed to her side, but people kept shoving me off. I could feel myself screaming, wanting her to open her eyes at me, glare at me and tell me to shut up anything.

“Someone get her out of here!” Someone yelled, I felt arms wrap around me, pulling me out. I fought hard against whoever it was, but I wasn’t strong enough in my state. Tears were flowing down my face, I kept repeating no, over and over and over again. Selena was standing in the hall, crying, her hand was covering her mouth. I was sobbing uncontrollably, my sister was gone. I’ll never see her again. I dropped to the floor on my knees, I folded in on myself, my face buried in my legs. I couldn’t breathe as the sobs wracked my body. Someone pulled me up, having me sit on the floor. I was between their legs as they wrapped their arms around my body, trapping me, rocking me back and forth as I cried. I felt alone, all my family was gone. My sister was nothing but a memory now. I was still crying and sobbing after everything had calmed down. Selena was now sitting right in front of me, letting me soak her shirt with my tears. I could feel  her tears soak the shoulder of my shirt and someone else’s dampen the back of my shirt as their head rested on my back. I cried and cried until I fell asleep in their arms on the floor of the hospital.

I woke up in the bed at Justin and Selena’s place here. I looked at the clock. It was one in the morning. I sniffed, then got up. I took Justin’s clothes off the bed next to me and went to the bathroom. I took a shower, cried some more as I realized that I wouldn’t see her again, I made sure to keep quiet though. After I dried off, I got into Justin’s clothes and went back to my room. I laid down, crying until I fell asleep again. I woke up to sunshine coming through the window. I lay there, staring at nothing and not thinking of anything, only feeling loneliness and sorrow. I heard the door open and saw Selena come in. She sat on the bed.

“The funeral is today, are you coming?” I closed my eyes to keep from crying. I nodded. “Do you want me to help?” I thought about it, if I was alone I would definitely cry. I nodded, getting out of the bed. She had a plain black dress draped on her arm and a pair of black flats. I stripped right there and put the dress on then the flats. She took my hand, pulling me to the bathroom. She did foundation, a layer of black eyeliner, mascara, and lip balm. She then did my hair, putting it into a soft braid with a couple fly-aways around my face. She did well, I looked relatively alive, no matter how dead I felt on the inside. It was a silent ride to the cemetery where she was being buried.

Right before they closed the casket, I took off my mother’s pendant, walking up to the casket. I put the pendant around her neck, clasping it, before I turned around, I heard myself whisper.

“I’m sorry mom.” I let her down. Vi’s dead, I had failed to take care of her like I had promised. I watched as they closed the casket, and then lowered it down. I couldn’t cry here, I’m waiting to be alone.

I shut Justin’s car door softly, then continued into the building. I went to the room and changed out of Selena’s dress and shoes, putting on Justin’s clothes again before taking Selena’s clothes to her and going back to the room, shutting the door softly behind me. In the dead silence, I sobbed quietly. She was gone, what am I supposed to do? I did everything I did for her. I went to work to put her through school and put food in her mouth. I sold everything to keep her with me and now she’s gone. What do I do? Why would I do it? I feel so alone and lost. I cried myself to sleep for a couple of days. I would wake up, think about what I was going to do without her and then cry myself back to sleep.

My Sister's at Death's Door (Justin Bieber Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now