Past Neglection turns to Sick Realization

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I took a deep breath as I braced myself for the cold night on the bench again. I didn’t have any money to get a room at a hotel. I’m just glad Vi is at the hospital where she has a warm bed to sleep in and I get the two pairs of gloves. I plopped down on the bench pulling up the hood of my white hoodie around my head, stuck my hands into the pockets of my coat as I coughed. My stomach growled; I wish I had the money to give it some food, but I don’t. I can’t get a job either because I’m only here for three weeks; no one is going to hire someone who only wants to work for a couple weeks. I’m on vacation from my other job as well.

I wish they would figure out what’s going on with Vi, I need her to be okay, she’s my baby sister. She’s the only family I have left. I sat there thinking about Vi, from the day she was born to now. I thought about how I didn’t want a sibling, and then thought better of it, deciding I wanted someone to take the attention of my parent’s off of me. I thought about how I was such a disobedient and disrespectful child. I drank, did drugs, I have charges of vandalism on my record. I just wanted to piss them off, they never really cared what I did, and I resented Vi for it when she was little.  Then there was the car accident that they were all in, being scared that I had lost them killed me, making me realize what my life was leading to. I stopped the drugs and alcohol with the help of my parents, I became the child any parent would be proud of. I wasn’t perfect but I did finish high school with a 3.7 GPA. I was quite proud and so were my parents, I stitched up what little relationship I had with Vi and made it a strong sister bond that no one can break. I brought my hand up to my mouth to cover my coughing.

I miss them so much. I can’t believe I wasted all that time that I could have spent with them that I’ll never get back. I felt the hot liquid of a tear sliding down my face, under my chin and dripping onto my chest. My hand came out of my pocket to wipe the cold trail of wetness away from my face. My mother made me promise her something a couple weeks before she died, she made me promise to take care of Vi if anything ever happened to her or my dad. My mother never asked anything of me, not even when I was going through the phase. She asked me to take care of Vi and I can’t even do that. Vi is dying and no one knows why. I coughed, my throat was scratchy, irritated. I pulled the collar of my grandfather’s coat up around my neck, leaning my head down to my chest to get my face warm.

The night was freezing, it was well into the early hours of the morning, people were still out, this city never slept. I fell asleep to the noises of the bustling nighttime city.

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