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I woke up often coughing uncontrollably. I had to spit out a lot of phlegm, it was disgusting, the phlegm was a yellowish color too. Damn, I’m sick and I need meds, meds that I can’t pay for. I saw the sun starting to rise, it was beautiful to watch. How the dark blue of the sky would break into a dark purple then slowly melt into a pink, mixing in with the orange changing into a yellow as the sun rose higher and higher in the sky and every day it’s a new painting in the sky. Such beauty that hardly anyone takes time to notice anymore. When the sun was high enough to know that visiting hours were here, I got up taking out the drawing I had finished last night, then continued to walk to the hospital. When I got to the hospital, there seemed to be a lot of people outside, people with cameras, hmm. I squeezed through them going through the revolving doors into the hospital lobby, I saw something shiny out of the corner of my eye and turned to look at it. As I was trying to find the shiny object, I bumped into someone. Sorry was out of my mouth before I turned to the stranger.

“It’s okay, just be more careful next time, Court.” Justin.

“Justin, well that would explain the people with the cameras outside. What are you doing here?” He looked good today, not that he didn’t every other day. He was wearing a black shirt and some jeans.

“I thought that since I had some time to do whatever I’d come see some fans here.” I smiled.

“How sweet of you.” He looked down as a small smile slipped onto his face.

“Yeah, I just love to see their smiles, just kind of makes my day.”

“You, my friend are a sap.” I laughed causing me to cough, it was a deep cough, the ones that make the back and chest area hurt.

“Court, you really should see a doctor about that that sounds like bronchitis.”

“I’m fine, really. I got to go see my sister, bye, Justin.” I moved to go around him towards the elevator.

“Hey, can I come with you?” I turned around, my eyebrow rose up, I thought about it. I would love to see Vi’s expression. I smiled picturing her flush like crazy. I nodded. He grinned, doing a mini dance to me. I laughed.

“You’re a dork.”

“But you love it.” I smiled pushing the button to close the elevator doors. I leaned against the wall of the elevator, Justin seemed a little tense.

“You alright over there?”

“Yeah, elevator’s make me nervous, never really liked them.” I nodded; I have a fear of spiders so I know what he means. I started coughing again, once I stopped, I sighed as I leaned back against the wall. “You really need to see a doctor, Court.” The elevator doors opened and I just shrugged, knowing that I did but didn’t have the money. We walked to my sister’s room. Becky, the nurse was coming out of the room.

“Hey, Becky, how is she?” Becky looked at me then looked down before answering.

“Since we’re friends I won’t lie to you, she’s getting worse, but I promise that we’re doing everything we can to figure out what’s wrong.” I let out the breath I was holding, my eyes closing. I had to stop before I cried. I couldn’t go in there and let her see me cry.

“Thanks, Becky.” I opened the door, placing a smile on my face. “Hey Vi-” my smile faltered as soon as my eyes fell on her face, she looked dead. Her once shiny blonde bouncy curls were now dull flat waves on the pillow. Her once bright eyes are now dull and glassy, her lips were once light pink and smooth were now the same color as her skin, a grey gauntness and were cracked. “I um finished the drawing last night, and I brought someone with me.” I could feel Justin behind me. I took the pad and ripped the drawing out, setting it on her blanket covered lap. Her eyes widened as she saw who was behind me. She looked anywhere, but at him. That’s something we have in common. If we liked a guy we would, if possible at the moment turn our backs, but seeing as she can’t, she’s not going to make eye contact.

My Sister's at Death's Door (Justin Bieber Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now