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Simone in media

Simone POV

OMG I thought she'd never ask me to come over like thank god so to let you all know I have a BIG FUCKING CRUSH ON MONA but she never noticed me nobody does actually I'm very quiet and I keep to myself . The thing is I've liked Mona since 8th grade but she's never noticed me well we talked once in 9th grade but  today when those girls was picking on me Ughhh they do that everyday but since I went to the other line Mona just so happened to see it . I'm glad she final notices me and I never knew she stuttered a lot . It was sweet of her to give me her gym clothes .

She opened the door to let me in and I walked In . After looking around the house and meeting her brother and her mom we went to her room and OMG it's big it's like an attic but it's not at the same time.

Mona:"do you like it "

Me:"yeah it's amazing actually "

Mona:"I try you said you are in all my classes how long have know me or seen me exactly "

Me:"since 8th"

Mona:"OHHHHH that's why you look familiar bc wee talked that one time in 9th I'm sorry I didn't noticed you after that "

Me:"you ok a lot of ppl didn't "

Mona:"so do you have any friends "

Me:"no not exactly "

Mona:"do you at least have a boyfriend "

Me:"No boys don't like me "

Mona:" why your pretty  "

Me:" bc they just think I'm ugly of they don't notice me

Mona:"ohh well I don't think your ugly I think your pretty "

Me:"thanks " I said blushing

She was silent the looked me up  and down slowly

Me:"why  you looking at me like that "

Mona:"just tryna take it all in "

Me:"what all in "

Mona:"your beauty"

I started blushing hard so I put my hands over my face

Mona:"Awww why you blushing " she said grabbing my hands away from my face

Me:"can I tell you something"


Me:"every since 8th grade I've kinda had a crush on you "


Me:"yeah I mean I just wanted you to know bc ik if we develop a friendship then my feelings for you are gonna grow stronger and if don't want it to be awkward "

Mona:"awwwww cute but let's be friends still and we can go from there I mean I'm not looking for the relationships I just wanna be friends for a while is that cool"

Me:"yeah that's fine " I said a little heart broken

Mona:"don't be sad it's not like I'm telling you no or that I don't like you or your ugly bc I would be lying if I did "

Me:"yeah ig your right ....."

It was silent

Mona:"so what do you usually do all day"

Me:"ummm well I read and stuff I really don't get out a lot "

Mona:"really well I'm defiantly gonna change that , Come on let's go "

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