What annoys me on Wattpad

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Hi, Degrassifan1224 here! I decided that I would let people in to the things on Wattpad that I am really not fond of. I have been on Wattpad about two and a half months, but it feels like I have seen pretty much all the clichés. But since I am pretty much still a “noob” of this site, I can’t say that I hate these little thing that really “grind my gears” because like I said I haven’t been on long. Before I even start my little rant, I have to tell you that it was inspired by NadieRae because she has a rant on her profile that I think you should look at before you look at mine. And no, I am not just copying what she had put on her rant; I am just naming some things that bother ME. If some things on my list are similar to hers, don’t blame us because there are about 111 things on there and I am pretty sure she isn’t the only Wattpader that has these pet peeves.

1)      Stories with no description. If you want me to read your story, at least tell me what I am reading. Especially if the prologue and the first few chapters really don’t help me understand, then I’m sorry but I am gonna skip over your story until you decide what the heck your story is about.

2)      Stories with more than five misspelled words in one chapter. I know we all make mistakes, but if your mistakes are misspelling six words in two paragraphs it’s a mistake that you have to learn from. Most of us are using a word document to write our chapters and then we are copying and pasting onto Wattpad. Doesn’t Microsoft word have spellcheck? And if you misspell a word you get that annoying little red line underneath the word? Next time you see it, don’t ignore it. An edited story is easier and more enjoyable to read.

3)      A plot that makes little to no sense. I know there are fantasy and paranormal stories, but if your plot is about a grown woman falling in love with her cat in which she had found in a dumpster ten minutes before. (I hope that is not an actual story on here) I really don’t want to read about a romance between a worm filled feline and a lonely woman who lives on a secluded farm. Most people want to read a story that they can kind of relate to and that is physically possible. But if that’s your thing, hey, I’m not judging you at all.

4)      When the phrase “Oh my god” is used repeatedly. I know at sometimes that phrase is needed, like if someone is robbing you or if something truly shocking actually happens. But if you are yelling that expression after your cup with little to nothing in it falls, we have a problem. “Oh my god” expresses the feeling of astonishment and being afraid and really shouldn’t be used to describe our everyday annoyances.

5)      Authors whose main characters financial situation is a bit confusing. If the plot of the story is going on about the character’s struggle with going through poverty and living by food stamps, I don’t think that said person’s family should all own expensive phones and other causality items. If the problem is trying to keep the lights and heat on, I don’t think buying and IPhone or a MacBook Pro would help save enough money to live day by day. Especially not with the bills that comes from certain phones and electronics (I have an iPhone and sometimes those bills can be a little crazy.) So if you wonder why your heat is being turned off all the time, look for an app on your phone that tells you why.

6)      Brand dropping every chance they get. Back to the whole IPhone thing, that is example of brand dropping. I really don’t want to hear how you picked up your brand new IPhone that had about 16 gigabytes and that has faster internet and more apps than ever. The reader really doesn’t give a rat’s tail about your new Hollister shirt that was $70.00 and how it didn’t cost that much to you. Quit the name brand naming and get to the actual point of the story.

7)      Stories with scenes that usually never happen. This maybe is a pet peeve from my Quizilla days, but it sometimes applies for Wattpad too. If the scene was a parent scolding their child for their wrong doing and the child gets up and smacks that said parent, well you are living a sort of a dream world if you believe that would happen. Most of us wouldn’t dare talk back to a parent, let alone hit them. If I ever laid a hand on my mother, it wouldn’t be a pretty scene.

8)      Advertising stories everywhere that you see. Even today, I saw this pet peeve. I was playing the song titles game and right in the middle of it was someone advertising their story. I find that annoying but more over rude, no one else is else is advertising but you feel like being the special little one that does it and it irks everyone’s nerves. If the person who did that is reading this, you have been warned.

9)      Stories in which everyone falls pregnant. I have read stories like this before, where everyone and their mother (literally) fall pregnant. You guys go so far that magically a vampire gets pregnant. Last time I checked vampires are basically dead and they really can’t have kids. We are all tired of them so please cut it out.

10) Justin Bieber fan fiction. Is this like a cry of attention for your sanity? I’m mean I LOVE fan fiction, but not Justin Bieber ones because of the things in there. You swear that you looovveeeeee Justin Bieber but in the stories he is a jerk face that you don’t like. In many of them you talk about getting rid of Selena, let it go fan girls! He isn’t in to you girls, especially the creepy ones. I’m a fan of JB, but not an insane one.

11) Cursing way too much. Okay, you don’t have to say every curse word possible in each sentence. If I met you guys I would have to wash your mouths out with soap. I look on the profile of those cursers and I see that you guys are like 13 or younger. Do you kiss your parents with that mouth? If my parents saw those words in my stories they would drop kick me into the next decade (Just kidding) so keep it clean or I’m not reading.

Okay that’s all for today, again you guys should check out NadieRae’s rant because she has a lot more than me right now, I don’t think I could ever reach that much but okay. Thank you for reading this may be the first and only chapter or I could add another chapter I don’t know. As you see from my other stories that I am not that good with updating. So yeah, thanks again.

What annoys me on WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now