Trapped (Madara Uchiha x OC)

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My blood stained sword fell to my side as I glanced around the battlefield. Rain began to mix with blood.. the blood of my enemies.. and the blood of my clan. I had won the battle, but at what cost? The hyuga clan, as powerful as it was, was slowly diminishing in numbers. Our strength was great but enemy clans outnumbered us.. I slowly made my way amongst the carnage hoping I wasn't the only one to survive. "L-llady Ts-tsuki" I lifted my head and ran over to the survivor. "You're going to be okay." My hands glowed green, giving strength to my words.

I lay his body onto the bed as medic ninjas surrounded us. "Another victory.. the elders wish to congratulate you." I turned to my father and back at the man laying on the bed. This was victory? I turned and headed towards the council chambers, pushing past my father in the process. 

I knelt before the elders as they offered their praises. Hate began to consume me.. the blood shed of thousands of innocent men and women and they deemed it fit to hold a celebration?! I knew better than to say anything, instead I ignored their words and eagerly awaited my dismissal. 


Only a few weeks had passed since the battle before I was summoned once again by the elders. I prayed they were not plotting to wage another attack.. our clan was small enough as it was. I dragged my feet through the compound, barely willing myself to answer their call. "Mumma I wanna be like Lady Tsuki when I grow up!" The young girl clung sheepishly to her mother's pants. She could barely be ten. This is what the elders wanted. To raise a generation hungry for honour.. for violence. The peace I had fought for would never last.. not with those idiots in charge. I knelt before those same idiots having arrived at my destination. "You summoned me." 

"As you are aware our clan is struggling and our enemies are slowly closing in on our borders. We have heard of a village being formed.. such a village will offer us protection and a chance to re-populate. However the village to which I am referring consists of two clans; the Senju and the Uchiha." Gasps were heard around the table at the mention of the raven-haired clan. "Now I am aware that we have not always seen eye to eye with the Uchiha but in order for our clan to survive, sacrifices must be made. Which brings me to you.." I eyed the elder carefully, unsure of the meaning behind his words. "We have made arrangements with the Uchiha elders that you and their clan leader will unite us." My body froze at the sound of his words.. marry an Uchiha?! Why me?! "Elders I respectfully decl-" "She would be honoured to save our clan." I felt a stern hand on my shoulder and looked up at my father. "Very well. You will leave for Konoha tomorrow." Rage consumed me, spilling over my cheeks as I gazed around at those who had betrayed me. After all I had sacrificed for our clan... they still demanded more. 

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