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"This guy is so weird and uncool!" Alfred thought to himself as he glowered slightly at the man sitting at the desk organizing all of his supplies over on his side of the room, and storing them away neatly.

Alfred had just put the most important stuff he needed close by and the rest just laid around under his bed to his convenience. He didn't quite understand the process of organizing, but this way was easier for him.

"This guy is so messy and lazy!" Arthur thought as he turned around to see Alfred glaring at him slightly, but to him, it seemed more along the lines of a pout. "What a child..."

More minutes went by in silence, and finally, after losing patience, blurted out, "You! Eyebrows!

Arthur whipped around and said in-a-matter-of tone, "I have a name, and that's Arthur Kirkland! What do you want you git?"

Alfred looked a little hesitant but asked, "Do you wanna watch 'The Walking Dead' with me? It'll help relax you!"

Arthur rolled his eyes and went back to sorting saying with disdain, "Why would I want to watch such a show? And don't tell me that it's calming because it isn't."

Alfred just shrugged and went to pull out the small T

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Alfred just shrugged and went to pull out the small T.V they owned.

Arthur had finally finished packing all of his stuff into the room and he felt quite accomplished that it hadn't taken all night long. Since the T.V was keeping Alfred distracted, he let out a sigh of relief knowing that it was quiet at last.


Never mind.

Arthur spun around when he heard the bloodcurdling scream of his roommate, but he relaxed when he saw him cowering under his blankets as one of the characters were being eaten.

He growled in frustration as he turned the T.V off and looked over at Alfred saying, "Relaxing huh?"

Alfred didn't respond as he continued the mutter out, "TheyarecomingtoeatmeIknowittheywillcomeinandkillmewhileIsleeeeeeep-"

Arthur knew that he was going to get no where with this American, and he went to go and turn off the light to go to bed.

As soon as he did, Alfred shrieked as he drove into his bed and hid under the covers.



And that was the end of the conversation.


Arthur had gotten up early to get to his first class, and was a little irritated that Alfred's schedule was almost identical to his. The only class he didn't have Alfred in was Art, but other wise, Alfred was butting into his quiet life with his annoyingness.

Arthur gathered up the supplies he needed into his bag and slung it over his shoulder as he turned to see a sleeping Alfred draped over his bed. He had not gotten to sleep until 2:00 in the morning, and was ranting about crawling zombies who were going to come in and eat his toes.

The Brit sighed and left the room to get to the class first, for he didn't want to be beat by the lazy idiot, and it would be nice to have some peace and quiet.

His emerald eyes darted up to see another male walking down the hallway with a young male with a bow in his hair that was the only visible difference between the two. Both wore the same uniform, so he assumed that the young men were going to Math since they took the same path he took.

Arthur came up to them and greeted politely, "Hello gents! Fine day we are having huh?"

The blonde one who was a little taller spun around with a slight glare spoke in a harsh voice, "Excuse me, but zhis is my little sister!"

Arthur's eyes widened in shock as he saw the girl turn around with her lips trembling as she kept looking down at her chest. He had an accent, and the flag on his uniform was the Switzerland flag, and the female had the flag of Lichtenstien.

"They must be the personifications of Switzerland and lichtenstien. But now, they know I'm the personification of the United Kingdom..."

"I'm s-sorry! The uniform! It was just, um, you know...!"

The Swiss man was not going to deal with his excuses as he told the female to walk on while he dealt with Arthur. However, she stood her ground and said in a cute soft voice, "Big bruder, prease don't get into a fight....not on zhe first day..."

The other male's face softened at her voice and he backed down. The young girl smiled and turned to Arthur who had stopped backing up and she chirped out, "Herro! My name is Lily, and my big bruder is Vash.

She indicated over to the turned away Swiss man as he tapped his right foot impatiently

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She indicated over to the turned away Swiss man as he tapped his right foot impatiently.

"You must be zhe personification of zhe United Kingdom, yes?" she asked with wide eyes.

"Why yes, I am Arthur Kirkland, the personification of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."

The small girl giggled and Vash checked his watch saying, "Lily, ve must get to class now."

She nodded and said to Arthur, "Okay, well, I'll see jou later, Arthur!"

The Brit nodded and waved goodbye as he heard pounding footsteps sound through the hallway behind him.

He turned to see Alfred running down the hallway at an impossible speed while he yelled, "THERE'S NO WAY YOU ARE GOING TO BEAT THE HERO TO CLASS!"

Arthur had no time to move out of the way and was barreled down by Alfred and knocked to the floor as the American sped on ahead to the first class. Since there was no one else in the hallway, Arthur took that advantage and screamed profanities at Alfred as he grabbed his stuff and hurtled down the hall to get to the first class.

Unfortunately, he was beat and he let out a slight growl as he took one of the back seats by the window.

"Ha! I told you eyebrows! No one beats the true hero!" Alfred gloated as he began to draw stars in his schedule casually.

Soon, other students came in.

Arthur was officially ready for his first day of Gauken Academy.

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