Heaven and Hell; Chapter Four; Help Me.

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I was running through a dark forest, voices in my head screaming "HELP HER! GO FIND HER NOW!" My head was spinning. I felt like I was running in circles. "HELP HER NOW!" The voice hissed once more. I heard her scream, and I knew she was in trouble. "HEAVEN!" I screamed, not caring if I got hurt. "OH GOD, HEAVEN PLEASE!" I screamed, keeping my head up, looking all around for her. "IZZY! HELP ME!" I heard her scream. "FOLLOW MY VOICE!" She screamed, as her voice got more and more distant. I fell to my knees. "Oh, Heaven.. I'm so sorry.." I cried out. "I SURRENDER!" I screamed. At that moment, everything came rushing back. I felt all my strength come back to me. I knew where she was, and I knew she needed help. I picked myself back up, and ran as fast as I could to get to her. I rounded a large tree, and there she was. She fell to her knees, as she took her last breath. "I.. Love.. You.." She choked out. Blood poured from her lips. I ran to her side, and fell to my knees. I cradled her head in my arms. "Heaven, please. Don't do this to me.." I cried.

I threw myself upright in bed. Panting hard. I looked to my right, and there she was. Sleeping flawlessly, beside me. I rubbed my eyes, hard. "Oh my god." I breathed. She slowly opened her eyes. "Iz? Wh' are yo' awake?" She asked. "Heaven, I know what you saw.. I know how it feels.." I told her. She looked up at me, her green eyes flashing brillantly. "You do?" She asked, starting to wake up. "Yeah.." I muttered. "Heaven, I'm so sorry for not believing you.." I told her. "No, it's okay.. I know it's really hard to believe.." She whispered. I nodded. A long pause drilled through the room. "Heaven?" I whispered. "Mmm?" She mumbled. "We should do somthing today.." I told her. "Mmk." She mumbled, again. "I love you." I added, as she dozed off again.

I lay there, staring at the ceiling. Completely embraced in my thoughts. The one question that reeled through my head was; "Has she always seen these? Was I just.. Too stupid to see it?" I loved her so much, but I was scared for her. I felt her body cradle against mine. Her deep breathing calmed me down. It was so.. Peaceful. I rested my head on the pillow, and slowly drifted off.

I woke up to rummaging around. "Heav'n?" I called out, still half asleep. "Yes, Izzy?" She asked me. "Oh.. Kay." I whispered. "Jus' Checkin'" I added. She laughed. "Alright." She whispered.

I felt her lips on my cheek, and I opened my eyes, to her big green eyes, and her excited smile. "Good morning, Izzy!" She shrieked. I groaned. "Mornin' Heaven." I mumbled. I felt her sit on me. I opened my eyes and looked up at her beaming smile. "You're absolutely stunning." I told her, smiling. She blushed a little. "You're blushing." I told her, laughing. "Shut up." She whispered. "What do you wanna do today?" She asked. "Wha'? Oh, that. Um, I don't know. Anything you want, babe." I whispered. She smiled, even wider. "Well, we should go somewhere! I don't kn- Wait a second.." She grabbed at her neck. "Okay, it's still there." I couldn't help but smile. Just the fact that she cared that much about the necklace was enough to make my day. "As I was saying! I know this one place.. It's about a 40 minute drive. It's beautiful there! Theres a huge sandy beach, and lots of trails we can walk on!" She added, sounding really excited about the whole thing. "Oh, really?" I asked. "Yeah! Do you wanna go today?" She responded. "Sure, I said anything you wanted, didn't I?" I laughed. "YAY!" She screamed, as she jumped off the bed.

Watching her, passenger side, her hair flowing perfectly with the window wide open, brought a warm feeling to my body. Listening to her perfect voice sing along to every song that played on the radio, was a blessing to me. I loved her, and no one could ever change that.

About 45 minutes later, we got to the spot. "THIS IS IT!" She shrieked loudly. I grinned. "Someones excited!" I told her, as I jokingly rolled my eyes and nudged her. She stuck out her toungue at me, and rolled her eyes back, just as I had done. "I haven't been here in AGES! I can't wait to see the trails!" She screamed. I watched her twirl around in that little white summer dress. She was flawless.

Walking through the trails was like a walk in the park. It was all patted down, and there was a perfect place to sit and watch the sunset. "Let's sit here." She suggested, as she bent down to brush off a place for us to sit. "Whoa, look at that sunset." I told her, as I pointed towards it. "It's beautiful." She whispered. I looked at her. "Yeah.. Beautiful..."

Heaven and Hell; Chapter One; I Thought I Lost You.Where stories live. Discover now