Heaven and Hell; Chapter Three; Am I Seeing Things?

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I watched his eyes gaze through me, expecting somthing to happen. I smiled. "What?" I asked. "Nothing. I can't believe this is happening." He told me. My smile grew, and I felt my cheeks go red. "You're blushing." He added quickly. "Shut up." I whispered. I glanced up, at the sight of someone watching us. I felt my smile disappear, and could see the concern on his face. "Whats wrong.." He asked. I pointed. "He's staring at us." Iz quickly turned around. "Um, Heaven? No ones there.." He whispered. "No.. Someones there. He has dark brown hair, and blue eyes.." I told him, completely sure HE was the one who was on somthing. Once again, he turned around. "No ones there.. I swear, Heaven." I looked away for a second, then quickly looked back. Nothing. He had vanished into thin air. I shook my head. "Are you okay?" Iz asked while holding my waist hard. "I'm fine." I whispered. He nodded. "Lets go somewhere else.." I blurted out. "Alright.." He agreed.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, looking into my eyes. "Yeah, of course. I'd trust you with my life." I mumbled. "Can I take you somewhere?" He asked, questioning my answer. "Of course you can." I quickly replied. "Alright." He muttered.

The walk felt like hours, but we finally got there. It was at the edge of a field, filled with daisys, and other flowers. "Now, close your eyes." He whispered, while walking up behind me. I closed them. I felt his arms wrap around my waist. A total rush of warmth filled my heart. He took his hands off me. I could feel him rummaging around in his pocket for somthing, but I was unsure of what he was looking for. I felt the cold chain rub against my leg. I started smiling. "Hey, hey. No peeking." He whispered. I could feel his breath down my neck. "Okay, open." I heard him mumble. I quickly looked down at the necklace he had put around my neck. I felt my hot tears sting the back of my eyes. Happy tears, for once in my life. It was a heart, with a pink jewel in the middle. "I love you." I whispered. I could feel his eyes beaming through me. "I love you, too." He whispered.

"I should go home, Iz." I told him. "If you want, you can stay at my place for the night. I wouldn't mind, and I'm sure my mom wouldn't either. She's been asking about you alot." He suggested. I glanced up at him. "I'd like that." I said with a smile on my face. The walk felt all too short. I loved being alone with Iz. He means everything to me, and I'd do anything to be with him, alone.

We walked up the stone steps. He turned and looked at me. "Wait here." He told me. I nodded, as he disappeared through the door. I could hear the conversation.

"Hey, mom." Iz said, his voice seemingly calm.

"Hey, Izzy. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good. Guess what!" He asked, sounding excited.

"What?" His mom asked, sounding a little concerned.

"Come see." He said, while leading her out the door.

I heard a huge gasp, and I knew I had been seen. "HEAVEN!" Izzy's mom screamed, as she rounded the corner. She ran to me, and hugged me, like I've never been hugged before, other than by Iz. "Hey, Mrs. Jaydefire!" I said excitedly. "Oh, please! Call me Dezeray, or Dezz for short." She corrected, with a smile. "Well, I see you two are going to get along great." Izzy said with a sly smirk on his face. He strode up to me, completely flawless, and grabbed me by my waist. "Well, thats always a good thing." He added. "Dezeray, if Iz hasn't told you yet, we're going out." I told her with a huge grin on my face. "REALLY!?" She squealed, like a little eight year old. Izzy started grinning. "Yep! Its true!" He told her, sounding excited.

Through all the excitement, Izzy and I managed to slip away from his over-excited mom. "Well, that was a little more excitement then I had expected.." I told him, with a sarcastic look on my face. He sucked in. "Ahh, yeah. She's like that.. Over-exaggerative" He told me, rolling his eyes. "Shut up! I think its cute." I mumbled, as I pushed him. "Hey, hey. Be sweet, you." He said, as he picked me up and swung me around. "Nooo! Put me down!" I squealed, laughing. "Fine, fine." He muttered as he put me down.

I felt like we were being watched, and with that, came my twitchy personality. I was jumpy. Izzy looked at me. "Are you okay? Whats wrong?" He asked me, raising his eyebrows at me. "I feel like we're being watched.. Can we go somewhere else.. Please?" I asked, sounding worried. He nodded a quick short nod. "GET OUT! I heard a voice hiss. "Izzy, stop.. It isn't funny.." I told him, trying to sound serious. "Stop what?" He asked, looking totally confused of what was going on. "Nevermind.. It must have been my imagina-" My voice trailed off, as I focused on a figure not too far ahead of us. "YOU MUST LEAVE NOW!" It screamed. I plugged my ears. "Whats wrong, Heaven.." Izzy asked, looking concerned. We both felt a cold breeze. "Izzy, somthings seriously wrong.. We need to leave.. Now.." I told him, while keeping my eyes on the figure. "GET OUT NOW!" It hissed continuously in my head. "I'M GETTING OUT!" I yelled back at it. "HEAVEN WHATS GOING ON!" Izzy yelled at me, while furiously shaking my shoulders. "I'll tell you later, Izzy. Right now, we just need to get OUT of here." I told him. I could tell I had a look of horror on my face. He was scared, too.

The next morning, we woke up. I flicked on the news.

"BREAKING NEWS. Teen Murdered In Lilly Forest Reed."

I felt my mouth drop open. Izzy sat up. "Wha's goin' on, Heav'n?" He asked, sleepily. "Izzy, thats why the figure was telling me to get out. She's like a guardian angel. Last night, a teenager was murdered in Lilly Forest." I watched his eyes go wide. "Buh tha's where we were yesterday.." He told me, finally starting to fit things together. "Yeah.." I replied, staring at the screen. He rubbed his eyes. "Izzy, am I okay?" He nodded. "You're perfectly fine, Heaven.." He told me, giving me a reassuring kiss. I felt my cheeks go red. "I saw that spirit yesterday, because she didn't want us hurt. Thats why she was yelling at me to get out.." I told him, looking completely puzzled. "Oh." He replied. I nodded slowly.

Heaven and Hell; Chapter One; I Thought I Lost You.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat