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Alexia p.o.v.
When he unfreeze again he laughs. "I was just joking. Jeez Alexia."

I laugh as well but quickly stop, thinking about my new problems. "I don't know what I'm going to do Draco. This just seems like a lot of pressure. I mean I'm only doing it for my mum, she'd kill me otherwise."

"Not if Voldemort didn't beat her to it."

"Really? Was that really necessary Draco?"

"Oh come on, that was funny."

"No it really wasn't."

"Oh come on Alexia you're no fun."

"Yep that's me. The not fun idiot who just became some Death Eater." I sigh gazing at the stars.

"Oh I didn't mean that." Draco says kindly putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off.

"Nothing will be the same anymore." I say staring at the dark sky.

"Don't be so negative. Think about the positive things about being second in command to the Dark Lord."

"Okay first of all, we aren't second in command. That would be our parents. And second of all, what the bloody hell?! I don't want to be a Death Eater and neither do you."

"I know." He says sighing. "I know."

Noticing I'm standing pretty close to Draco I realize how nice he's being. Not his normal irritating self. I smile and put my head on his shoulder, quickly falling asleep.

"Alexia? Wake up, your snoring is getting on my nerves."

I open my eyes slowly, preparing for some blinding light. Seeing nothing I fully open my eyes and see Draco peering up at me. He'd lain me on his bed and was sitting next to me.

"Don't you have anything better to do then listen to me snoring?" I ask annoyed.

"Well, I would go to bed but someone's sleeping in it."

"I'm not the one who put me here, smart ass."

Draco laughs and shoves me playfully. I shove him back, maybe slightly too hard. "Ow! Have you been working out?"

"I play some quidditch when I can."

"You know I used to be a seeker on the Slytherin team."

"Yeah I know, I was there too."

He laughs and I join in, when the door opens. I nearly scream when I see who opens the door.


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