Chapter 21: A Day of Emotions

Start from the beginning

“It was on a Saturday. Bonnie even called.” Harry said. I could practically see him rolling his eyes.

Okay, to be honest, I was scared to call him. I was actually with Alex the whole day at his college and the last thing I wanted to do was call a British boy whose feelings were very apparent to wish him a happy birthday. By the time I got home to even attempt a call, it was too late for him. What’s the point in someone calling for a happy birthday whenever it was the next day in your time?

“Sorry…” I said. “I really was busy though.”

“Visiting that boy?”

That boy. That was Alex’s name to Harry. “Yeah…”

“Well…” Harry said. “The guys and I got special plans for you and the girls during Spring Break, so be ready.”

“Where are we going exactly?” I asked.

“I can’t say. All I can say is bring clothes for warm weather and a bathing suit or two. Preferably a bikini for me.” I felt the heat rising to my cheeks. Harry laughed. “Aw, it’s late. I got work tomorrow. I’ll talk to you soon.”

He hung up just as fast as he called. He did that all the time. I never knew when he would call and I can never call since he’s been busy with work. It was strange. I got a hold of the other guys just fine, so why was Harry so hard to get a hold of? I swear he did it on purpose though, just to push my buttons.

He doing one hell of a job too. He would call, point something out to me and leave me hanging by getting off the phone. It was driving me nuts. There was nothing I could do though, so I would let it go.

Dakota decided to hang out for a while so she sat down at the recliner, lazing on it as she stared up at her letter. She threw it on the floor, giving up on its contents. I continued on my homework. “So, what did Harry want?” She asked, curious.

I froze in the middle of my writing. “Well…”

She turned her head to grin at me. “I know he confessed to you, no need to hide it.”

“But still…” I said, sighing while putting my homework down.

“At least tell me how you feel. Be honest, I could care less what either boy thinks too. I’m only worried about you and your feelings right now.”

I chuckled at her. “I don’t know what to think, though. Ever since he came out with his feelings, I can’t seem to stop myself from wondering.”

“About what?”

“I love Alex, yet he doesn’t have that sense of understanding Harry does. Even if Alex and I have been through so many breakthroughs, we always manage to come back together.”

“Also, you two have been together since seventh grade, right?” Dakota asked.

I nodded. “Other than the time we broke up for eighth months, yeah.”

“But what if you were in a relationship where you didn’t get sick of each other.” Dakota said. “That happens with you and Stewart all the time. You love each other, then you, not just him, but you become so sick of him and his childish ways. Stewarts in college now, and you’re going here in the fall. You’ll be all the way in Orlando and he’ll be stuck here. I know for a fact he won’t fly out to see you-“

“How do you know?” I challenged. “I don’t even know if I got accepted to Full Sail yet, either.”

“He’s in college.” Dakota said. “He has family. You have college. You have family, now your friends with boys that live overseas that you see less often than him. Your life will be even busier. He’ll start nagging again and complaining how you never see each other and blah, blah, blah. It’s Stewart. He’s clingy.”

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