'You're beautiful'

Start from the beginning

'Noah, there's somebody at the door.' Whispered Alex through the door.

'Shit.' I said aloud. I ran out of the bathroom ad saw a very panicky Alex.

'Just hide under the bed.' I chuckled but she didn't find the funny part of it. I waited till she wasn't noticeable until a approached the door.

'Oh hi, Melissa (Miss. Andrews).'

'Hi Noah, we were wondering where you went off too because we have been waiting for over 15 minutes for you now.' Her head kept peaking past my door into my room. The nosey cow.

'Sorry, Alex Williams came and told me she didn't feel to good and last I heard the rules were that the teacher staying on the same floor as an ill pupil have to stay as well?' I leant against the door frame as I knew I was correct so was now just waiting for her to leave.

'Oh yes, I do remember that rule now. How silly of me.' She flicked her hair backwards then leant her arm up the door frame as well, just inches away from me. I subtly moved my arm away from hers.

'I was just about to get in the shower so...' I left an awkward pause before she realised she had to go.

'Actually Noah I was wondering maybe later we could come back here and have a talk?' She bit her lip at me. I only found it sexy when Alex did it.

'About what?'

'Well me and you, silly. C'mon I know we have chemistry. Don't try to deny it.' She moved her arm from the door frame and stroked up and down mine with it.

'Melissa, I'm sorry but there is nothing between us. I'm in a relationship.'

'I thought you ended it with her yesterday?' She removed her arm in embarrassment.

'I never stopped loving her and she erm... She called me up today and we sorted it.' I had to say that otherwise she would of got suspicious.

'Oh right, I'm sorry Noah. That was so unprofessional of me. I'll leave you to your shower.' She looked back into my room and one last glance then smiled and walked away. I slammed the door and let out a huge sigh.

'What the fuck was that.' I asked completely unaware of what just happened.

'She's a sly man stealer that's what she is!' Alex crawled from underneath the bed then jumped back up.

'Right let's forget about that and get back to our shower?' I walked towards her and placed my hands on her hips.

Alex's P.O.V
I know this was my idea but I'm really nervous. I know me and Noah have made out and everything but we have never gone fully naked. What if he doesn't like what he sees or if he has seen better. I hate the feeling of being compared to someone else.

'Noah...' I began.

'I know what you're thinking Alex.' He murmured.

'It's just I don't want you to be disappointed if you don't like the rest of me.' I lowered my head in shame.

'Alex, you could have the saggiest boobs and I would still fall head over heels for you everyday. Just like I do now.'

He made me feel so special, I love him. So so so much.

'I love you.' I whispered.

'I love you.' He replied.

'Do you want me to help?' He asked. I could heart the uneasiness in his voice.

I nodded. I turned around so I was no longer facing him. I lifted my arms above my head . I was wearing a grey, wool jumper which was incredibly easy to take off. He took charge and lifted it over my head. I felt his warm breath tremble along my now bare collar bone. He bought his lips into contact with the back of my neck and left kisses along it. I gathered all my hair together and held it up so he could do it even more. His hands caressed my hips in a warming position.

Moving in with my English teacher (studentxteacher) (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now