Halloween special

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This idea as brought up by my friend at Luke_likes_lollipops! Its a day late I know please don't hate ~_~ hope you enjoy!!!!

     You were sitting in Luke's living room waiting for your penguin to get ready. He had texted you just  an hour before saying: BABY GET READY WE ATE GOING TO A PARTY TONITE AND IM FORCING YOU TO GO! I love you : D

So you had to rush down to the dollar store and found a cheap  pikachu costume to wear. It was a little tight, showing off the curves not many people knew you had. Your face was yellow with small red circles on your cheeks.

You didn't expect Luke and you to match, so it felt awkward. But When he came down, you felt yourself smile from how adorable he looked. He was dressed as Mumble from Happy Feet. And darn if you don't want to squeeze him to death.

"AWWWWWWW" you fangirled as he looked down blushing madly now.

"Sh-shut up (YN)" he stuttered slightly, but when he saw your costume, he froze in place. His eyes traveled from your feet up to your waist, lingering slightly at your cleavage area, up to your face. His blue eyes were filled with awe as he took a step towards you, stumbling slightly. You giggled as a very sharp but whispered "fuck you flippers" come from your very "innocent" boyfriend. This was gonna be an amazing night.

     You were sitting in Ashton's bed (fully clothed mind you) waiting for your Boyfriend Ashton. He was currently inside his walk-in closet getting dressed. Downstairs you could hear the music blaring from the speakers. Making you flinch slightly as you heard a crash
"MY BAD" you could hear Michaels voice from downstairs, and his girlfriends softer voice telling him to calm down.

You shook your head causing you to lose some of your fake spiders out of your hair. You had dressed up as a Spider Queen. Spiders adorned your hair, cobwebs running down your body along with more spiders. It gave you the creepy crawlys.

"Ashtonnnnn how much longer?" You groaned at him. After you said that the door flew open. Revealing Ashton, who's wearing bandanas on his hands, around his ankles, and his forehead.

"I'm bandana man!" He said, trying to sound like James from BTR. He remembered how much you loved him before the show ended. You smiled as you hugged him.

"I love you Ashton" you told him when he looked at you.

"You look amazing, your creepiness. However, I don't know who this Ashton is you speak of. I am bandana man."


At the party

"My bad!" Your drunken boyfriend yelled as he knocked over, yet again another vase.
"Babe come here" you giggled as you grabbed your stumbling boyfriend. You took him out onto the back porch.

You laughed as he fought with his red cape, he had dressed up as Superman. He turned around and looked at you, with the cape over his head. "Babyyyyyy, I can't find you. Someone is being a dick head and keeps covering my eyes" he pouted. You chuckled as you grabbed it and pulled it back over his head.

He looked at you, but didn't say anything. His eyes seemed to travel all over you, taking in everything as if for the first time tonight. You had dressed as supergirl. You had blue leggings on with a red mini skirt that hugged your waist nicely. Your red cape flowed in the wind, making him glare at it. He mumbled something about "you made me miss my girl" before he backed you against the wall and kissed you.

       You were standing by the front door, taking in your surroundings. Music blared from the speakers. You could see Luke dressed as a penguin, next to a girl dressed as pikachu, which whom you figured was his girlfriend due to the way his arm/flipper was around her.

Mike and his girlfriend were the super duo. If you were honest, Mike annoyed you half the time. But, he meant no harm. You dressed up as the female version of Calum. You wore black skinny jeans, white t-shirt and dyed your hair black with a blonde streak through it. Complete with vans.

He copied you, black pants, white shirt, etc.
Suddenly, you heard everyone look towards the staircase. You saw Ashton with his girlfriend, she was dressed as a spider queen. It gave you the chills- you absolutely hated spiders. But despite the costume, you could see how absolute gorgeous she was. 

You looked up at Calum, who just smiled and pulled you to him and kissed  your neck. "Your still perfect, and prettier then any other girl in the world"

Okay I think it sucked but, tell me what you think. Please tell me what I should do next!!!! All comments are welcome, even haters. HATERS MAKE ME POTENTIALLY FAMOUS. 

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