When he asks you out >.<

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"Come on (Y/N)! We are going to be late!" The blonde yelled from the bottom of the stairs. It's been a month or two since you found him heartbroken on the side of the street. ironically it started pouring down rain as you made your way home, so you stayed at his place for a little bit. His mother was out and wouldn't be back for awhile.

However, today it was not raining, so Luke decided to go see a movie. And of course it was last minute -again- because he was having one of his frequent mood swings. One minute he was pissed off then he would start 'awww'-ing over the "Cute, fuzzy penguins" on Animal Planet. It was cute but also slightly irking. Honestly you just brushed it off as some side effect from his girlfriend problem.

As you walked down the stairs, wearing you'd favorite outfit, he was looking down at his feet. His hands were shoved into his pockets and the way he scoffed his feet reminded you of a little kid that just got caught doing something bad.

"I'm ready, what movie are we going to see...?" You asked him but he just shrugged and gave you that adorable puppy dog eyes look.

Ugh why was he so beautiful...
You thought and sighed as you scrolled through your phone to see what movies were playing in your local movie theater. However the only movie was some horror movie, and you hated scary shit. But, being in the middle of his mood swings, the little blonde shit made you go see it.

In the middle of the movie, there was a jump scare (again) and this time you buried your head into his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around you. Leaning down he whispered:

"Don't worry, I got you. I would let anyone hurt my girl." Into your ear which caused a shiver Down your spine.

Looking up your face was scrunched in confusion. You and grown a lot of feelings for the little fart but didn't know if he felt the same ways

"You just called me 'your girl'...?" His eyes sparkled in amusement. Then he started biting his lip ring subconsciously.

"Yeah... I've been meaning to tell you this for a while.... Ummm (Y/N) would you want to be my girlfriend....?" He scanned your face to see any kind of disappointment.... But all you did was hug him and say 'yes!' A lot of times...

You got kicked out of the movies for talking to much...


This boy got over his girlfriend quickly. He gave hints that he liked someone else but, every time you tried to pry he would kinda disengage the conversation. Every once in awhile he would say things like "She's beautiful" or "I love her laugh". It made you jealous but you hid it away.

He was playing his drums like usual except his playing was more.... Rough. Like he was frustrated and needed to get it out. He had his eyes closed as he hit harder and harder until the point the drumsticks we're going to break.

You prepared for the sound of splintering wood as you listened to dirty little secret by all American rejects. Suddenly a shadow hovered over you, so you looked up and stared into the hazel eyes that seemed to hold so many secrets. You've wanted to kiss him since he first walked in here. (I mean who wouldn't wanna kiss him seriously) but you doubted he felt the same way...

Your earbud was still in your hear when you heard him start singing along with the lyrics:
I'll keep you my dirty little secret,
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret,
My dirty little secret
Who has to know...?

His voice sent shivers down your spine as you felt his breathe hit against your neck. He leaned up to your ears and whispered:
Would you want to be my dirty little secret...(Y/N)?

All you could do is nod.


It was that time again. You were tired of the green so now you had to search for a new color. Luckily, your new friendship with the psychedelic haired boy, Mike, aided you in your newly found quest. The wild, green eyed boy has grown on you slit since that faithful encounter thanks to your pooch, Fish.

You two were walking through the store together again looking for another hair color. You were thing of doing a mermaid ombré this time, but Mike really liked to match your hair color. He felt like he was somehow closer to you. And if you got the ombré.. Well he'd pout but look adorable while doing it.

So you opted for a light blue. And he, yet again copied you. As you two were walking out he got a text then bolted. You sighed and walked home by yourself.

You finally got to your front door when you hear a small 'mew' from behind you. Confused you turned around to find Mike holding an adorable kitten. It was... Blue.

"(y/n) we've known each other for awhile and... I would really hope you'd want to be mine...?" Your eyes widened. You've had feeling for the boy for while now but he never showed any signs of feeling the same way. to be honest you thought you were friend zoned...

"Of courses Michael. But why is there a blue kitten...?" He had this cute grin on his face as he holds it out to you.

"It was white but I wanted it to match us. It's like our little baby. we'll have to feed it and stuff right...? Except breast feed it... That'll be my job one day not its..." He looked at you as your cheeks burned. He was cute but damn...

He was gonna be jealous over a little kitten... This is gonna be fun


It was your birthday. You were turning 18 today and you were excited... Except for the fact that calum forgot bout it. You two have been hanging around each other for a while and you could tell he started to grow feelings for you. He would stare at you , or leave small little notes here and there. He was your best friend

At Least you thought... He hasn't called or texted you for a few days and you started feeling depressed. So one day you walked over to the local Starbucks and ordered your favorite drink again. As you say in your usual spot, you stared at the door waiting for a certain boy to walk through. When nobody walked in you started to drift asleep until something covered your eyes maligning your squeal slightly.

"H-hey (Y/n) it's me... Calum...?"He said nervously. He kept adverting his eyes. He ran his hand through his hair as he sat down and Handed you a cup of your drink and Mumbling a quiet 'Happy Birthday' The other people made alright stuff but his hand made it taste like God himself made it. You smiled until you noticed written in sharpie:

(Y/N) your the most beautiful girl i know... Would you please be my girlfriend...?

You jumped up and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I would love too."
He smiled and hugged back.

"Good I was worried you'd say no... That's why I stayed away..."

Let's just say this was your favorite birthday ever...

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