Chapter 4: "Gone"

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(Aomine P.O.V)

"Aomine are you alright?" Satsuki asked

"Never better" I clicked my tongue and ignored her presence.

I just can't get him out of my head. He's been gone for a whole week now but I still can't stop thinking of him. I keep playing the scene in my head over and over again. The sad thing is.... is that the memory keeps changing and changing, it gets morphed to what I don't remember it being and one part of it doesn't even have him in it, when I know very well that he was there.

I talked to Shintaro's father, my main doctor, about it and he said to be careful to look into the past. Everytime we remember something it was different for what actually happened. I didn't quite get it so he 'dumbed' it down for me.

"Listen, Aomine, It's like playing telephone with a bunch of friends. You relay the message to one person and by the time it's gone full circle the message is not at all what you said.... your memories are like that, if you keep looking back at them, before you know it what you think happened is actually only a small part of what actually occurred." he placed a hand on my shoulder "In one case that I know of, someone forgot the person and not the events... if this person really riled you up, let it be and don't think too much on it"

I could never just dismiss (First name). I had to look back at every instance that I had with him, even the bad ones, like when I last saw him.... when he left for Denmark and I tried to make him stay:

~Flash Back ~

"Wait!" I called as I ran toward the departure

"Aomine-san, you can't be here!" He said in a worried tone

"Please, (First name), I don't want you to go. I can't--"

"This isn't your decision Aomine" He practically yelled at me "It's not my decision either, I'm leaving.... So please, just let me go"

"What are you talking about, I'm not the one holding you back. I'm just asking you to stay with me, to be my one and only."

"Aomine," He started "I love you, and I'll wait for you even if I die a decrepit old man before we see each other again." He walked over and hugged me, causing my heart to skip a beat "I'll see you in the future~" He then turns his back towards me and heads toward the plane.

I watch as he disappears from my view.

~End of Flash back~

He disappears, and so does my hope. I don't know what it is, but once he left I fell apart.

How am I going to survive with out my (First name) around?

How was I so foolish to not see how much he meant to me before he left.

We didn't even exchange E-mails or phone numbers.... I have no idea how long it's going to be until I see him again.

Should I wait? Should I be the one to trust him enough so that he keeps his promise?

Or should I move on?

I want to remember him and the only way to do that is to look back on all the times we have had with each other, even if that means that I have the chance of forgetting my past.

I want to remember his beautiful (hair color) hair and the way his sharp (eye color) eyes stared right back into your own when he talked to you. Why would I want to forget him.... why would I want to forget....

Wait, what was his name?

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