Chapter 3: "Dreams are Wishes that your Heart Makes"

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(Male! Reader's P.O.V )

I laid down dazed, my back on the bed, in the nurse's office. I came in crying and flustered, and this was my normal sanctuary so the nurses just let me cry myself tired, like a child, and then gave me some water and pain pills for my bodily aches and pains.

The thought of Aomine's face, when he finally talked to me.... it floated through my mind. His sexy glare....

Why am I still in love with him?

I shook my head as I tried forgetting Aomine. Which, by the way, has been hard to do this past month.

I can't believe all this crap has happened in only a month..... it feels like so much longer.... like I've been damned to hell for eternity.

"Is (Last name) here?" I heard Aomine's voice at the door of the nurses office, just feet away from my bed.

My muscles tensed up.

"He's behind there, but he's resting so be quiet" the nurse said. I quickly closed my eyes and imagined how I'd look if I was sleeping.

"Thank you" Aomine said. I then heard my curtain slide open and then close. "The nurse said you'd be out, so... I'll just wait for you to wake up" he said, I could hear a chair moving and setting down closer to me. "I'll just talk I guess" just hearing his voice was making me a little tired "back when I offered you my jersey, that took a lot of courage.... all my teammates told me to not, they told me that I wasn't ready if you rejected me.... which they knew you would. They all---knew about how I felt...." he let out a big sigh "I mean, most people think I am straight, because all the women are fond of me... but I'm not...not since I met you..."

What is he saying? Does he like me?

"Ever since you smiled at me, the first day of our first year here.... at Teiko.... I wanted you.... you were different from any girl that I could have. You were gentle, kind, compassionate, you even smiled when you no one deserved to see that smile of yours...." Aomine placed his hand on mine, he gripped it tightly "when you said no.... I knew you would have a good reason, I just thought it would be that you weren't gay... not that you... you..." he couldn't even finish his sentence.

Is he crying? For my sake?

"I thought I hated you, to tell you the truth... I was angry when you said 'good morning' I was pissed when you showed others your smile, I was utterly disappointed when others hurt you... but I always told myself that it was because it was of who you were that all that happened" he stood, I felt the bed shift a little.

Is he on the bed?

"I want to kiss you" I felt his thumb glide over my bottom lip and pull it down a little

"Aomine?" I opened my eyes to him on top of me, I pretended to look clueless. His face was shocked, like he was a little kid being caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"S-sorry!" He said jumping off of me and sat at the edge of the bed, his legs crossed and his back facing me

"A-Aomine...." I reached out

"You heard it all.... did you?" He asked

"Y-ya..." I stopped and just sat up keeping to myself

"Then...." he turned and faced me "What do you have to say?"

"Nothing.... I said all I had to back in the classroom" I replied bluntly

"Well I have stuff to say, so shut it and listen"

I wasn't even really talking....

"This is how things are going to go on from now until graduation, we are going to hold hands in the hallway, I'm walking you to and from school everyday" he began listing all the things that couples do, without even getting my A-ok. "And when I want it, we'll have sex"

"Wo, wo, wo! Back up!" I said flailing my arms "we are not doing it"

"Earlier you said you fell in love with me, right?"


"And?" I tried playing time cool "I'm not going to be your booty call" I said crossing my arms as if locking the deal

"I guess we'll leave that up for debate" he said roughly grabbing my shirt collar and pulling me into our first kiss. His lips were a little wet from him licking his lips just before bringing me into the kiss.

"W-Wait" I said as we separated, a small strand of saliva following Aomine

"What?" Aomine grabbed the small of my back "I want to protect you, from anyone and anything. I can't live a day without thinking about you" he got really close to me. His hand gliding up my side.


That's when I shot up.

Wait..... what?

I looked around the room, it was a little dark and really peaceful. I saw Aomine sleeping on the chair next to my bed.

Had I fallen asleep? Had all of that been a dream? A twisted, distorted, arousing, realistic dream?

"(Last name)-san?" The nurse walked in a little nervous from my call in disagreement.

"I'm fine... just a... bad dream" I pulled my legs to my chest and rested my forehead on my knees.

"Alright, I'll call your brother to pick you up"

"Call Sachihiro...." I called after her "555-2181"

I was then sent into a blissful silence. I looked over to Aomine, he seemed to be dreaming as well....

At what point did I fall asleep? Was it the moment he began talking where I fell asleep?

"So you're awake now?" He asked

My eyes widened when I realized our eyes connected "Y-Ya...." I answered quietly

"I walked in and you looked so peaceful" he said with a little bit of a chuckle hidden behind the words "you need to be careful, any normal person would've taken you for granted" he said leaning forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees

"S-Sorry..." I said

"That's all you've been saying all month.... can't believe it's only been a month..." he let out a sigh "feels like forever"

"I'm sorry" I said looking down at the bed

"What the hell are you sorry about?!" He yelled standing, his aggravation showing in full force.

"I'm... I'm" I let out a deep breath "I'm moving" I looked at him "on the day before the championship... that's one reason I said no" I moved and stood in front of him "the other is because I don't want you to own me. In a relationship there needs to be two people willing to do the work, and you seem like the kind of guy to expect work and give zero effort" I then grabbed my uniform coat and put it on "I'm heading back."

What am I saying? I don't mean any of it!

Mind Games (Aomine Daiki x Male! Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin